Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: Newly diagnosed

You've only had one biopsy so you could wait and monitor the PSA for a little longer and then get a second biopsy if the PSA keeps going up. The best way to treat PC isn't the same as most other cancers. Getting treated now or not will make no difference as to if you are around 10 years from now. Another thing to remember is that the longer you wait the better the treatment will be if you do need it.

I am all for aggressive treatment for aggressive cancer. Once you are a Gleason 4 + 3 and probably even Gleason 3 + 4 then you need to do something ASAP but you've got time to wait and see if a better treatment becomes available. At least try getting your PSA checked again in the morning (more accurate) and make sure you don't ride a bicycle or have sex before the test.

I have completly changed my view of how quickly you should be treated now that I see all the improved treatments that should be available in the next few years. I had no choice but to get treatment but you've got time to continue with active surveilance.

Re: Newly diagnosed


hmmmmm.....that's interesting. Since December 2011 until now, my PSA has went up every single time. If I were to chart this and apply some statistics, it would be over 10 ng/ml in the next year. With that said, would you still recommend waiting and another biopsy? Dr says he does not recommend active surveillance. And, that biopsy, I would never want to go through that again unless they put me out!! I can't believe there are not other ways to do a biopsy.

Re: Newly diagnosed

If it has been consistently going up then I might change my mind particularly if you hit 10 then I would just go ahead with treatment and forget the low Gleason score.

Yeh, they had to give me oxygen and had the crash team standing by after my biopsy. They are working on MRI and CT "biopsies" that don't require using needles.

Re: Newly diagnosed


thanks so much for the advice. It's refreshing to talk to people with experience. Yes since Dec 2011 PSA has consistently went up each and every PSA test. This latest being 7.2. Based on the progression, I would be at 10 or greater by this time next year given the fact that the percentage of increase has went up every test as well. With the controversial PSA testing, I have waited and then finally agreed to biopsy. That biopsy was awful and I can honestly say, I hope I never go through that again. I like how they say we will notice a little blood in our semen. Really! more like brown mud. I freaked out about that at first until I read on here that a lot of men are experiencing that even months after. I contemplated and researched all the different treatments but honestly, I just want it out of me and the sooner the better. I am past the reproductive stage now, have a new grandson, and have every intention of being around for him for a long long time. Again, thank you so much.

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi Frank, Wade,
I am a PCA survivor three years now. Reference if there is another method to biopsies, Yes there is and the procedure is called PCA3 test. It is approved by the FDA now.
Please google for more details and further reading.
Good Luck
Allen Lai

Re: Newly diagnosed

Looks like the pca3 test would not provide me any additional information. Am I right about that? My biopsy results are in my post earlier in this thread. Thanks.

Re: Newly diagnosed

Allen. Thanks! I will check that out.

Re: Newly diagnosed

Allen and all,

it is not possible to diagnose prostate cancer with a PCA3 test. As things stand at present a positive biopsy is the ONLY way in which the disease can be diagnosed. The PCA3 test was devised as an additional test to indicate the likelihood of prostate cancer being present - and whether a biopsy should be carried out.

There is some information about the PCA3 test in E-LETTER#10

Terry in Australia

Re: Newly diagnosed

anyone have any info about these magic healing essential oils? I'm not ready to step out of the medical paradigm yet but a lot of people at work / friends are referring me to these oils like frankinsence and Immortelle. Apparently, they cure early stage prostate cancer. I am thinking of using these after surgery for possibly quicker healing but like I said, this is cancer and I'm not ready to step out of the paradigm yet. Also, I have a new baby grandson who i plan on being around for a long long time. These oils though seem to be getting a lot of attention. Anyone have any experience with these

Re: Newly diagnosed


There are thousands of 'miracle cures' none fo which have any great evidence to support their claims, but all of which are making money for someone.

In E-Letter#7 I set out how I try to evaluate any claims made. You might try the same approach essentially it is gaining the answer to these three questions:

1. Is there any independent evidence to support the claims being made?In almost ever case I have examined the only 'evidence'is that manufactured by the person selling the goods or who claim to have discovered or delevoped some healing properties, previously unknown - and now unknown to anyoe bu them.

2. Will the person providing the information benefit directly or indirectly from what they are claiming? Most people are making a deal of oney out of what they are suggesting will be a magic cure. We had one post here not long ago where it transpired that the man had an agency to sell the goods he said had cured a relative. Maybe he ws right; maybe he wanted people to believe he was right and make a quick buck out of them.

3. How long is it since the evidence supporting the claim was collected or completed? The point here is that in many cases, the 'discovery' was made many years ago. In htis wrld of ours where it is not possible to keep a secret for very long, if time has gone by and no one else has created studies that can demonstrate the value of the potions - then the chances are that there is no value.

Of course we must each evealuate everything in a way that suits our outlook on life, but from my observations, people buying the magic bullets would probably buy a bridge in Brooklyn too.

Good luck in your pursuits

Terry in Australia

Re: Newly diagnosed

All good logical points. Thank You.

Re: Newly diagnosed

I advise trying anything you want to believe in for the Placebo effect. It just might work but don't spend much money on it. In the Placebo class of drugs I think red wine is the best drug available and I believe in it ;-) It is working for me so it must work for everyone.

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi all,
Terry is correct that the PCA3 test does not confirm prostrate cancer, the test is just another test that can be done prior to the biopsies. If the PCA3 results are low then biopsies can be delayed if required. No need to rush into biopsies.
As I am now fairly stable after Radiation and hormonal treatments, I feel confinent that my personal management to stay healthy is better than ever.
I have a personal blogsite to keep track of my prognosis and to help others who are going through this battle. Please feel free to visit my blogsite You may want to read my earlier posts in since 2010 to read my story.
The books that I read are really good books and I keep them for future references when necessary.
I thank YANA website for their contribution and I hope if I can link YANA to my modest blogsite.
Take care
Allen Lai

Re: Newly diagnosed

Hi Mac,
Take heart that you are not alone. Most of us here have been there and done that. Yes anxiety and stress are very pronounced at the initial stages following diagnosis. They will wear out in good time.
OK first thing first. You have come to the right place to gain knowledge and gain confidence from our experiences.

Anxiety, fear and confusion comes from not knowing what is really happening. Your stress mainly comes from your anxiety. You solve anxiety, you solve stress.

Whilst Cancer is life threatening, it is "curable" if detected early. It is definitely very manageable.
Do see an Oncologist as soon as possible to get medical treatment. There is no one better treatment than the other. Your Oncologist is the best person to evaluate the best treatment for you. Evaluate the side effects that comes from the treatment. Look at it from the positive side. You are lucky to have an early detection. You still have a healthy and strong body to withstand most of the side effects from treatment.
Take care and good luck Mac. We are with you.
Allen Lai