Prostate Cancer Survivors






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September newsletter

Hi Terry,

As always, I enjoyed reading your latest newsletter, especially since it's an indication that you're in fine spirits. Regarding testosterone replacement, I can report that my second-to-last blood test showed a T of 30 or so. At that time I started taking DHEA and Boron with the approval of my internist in order to give a boost to the T. (If I had asked him to prescribe testosterone replacement he would have agreed). Just recently I resumed taking the monthly injection of Degarelix. The first shot dropped my PSA to .5 and, surprise, surprise, my T to zero! As they say, what's up with that? Fortunately, I don't experience any lowering of my energy level. My wife has a higher T level that I do, yet I'm always called on to open jars and do, as you say, all the yard work. I am worried, though, about a new pain in one side of my groin. This is where I've had radiation and more than one surgery, Also I recently pulled up 900 sq.ft. of sod and replaced it with new sod so I'm hoping this is the source of the pain, rather than the big M.

Jack from New Jersey (age 80)

Re: September newsletter

Jack - You're brilliant. But get the wife to do the digging, mate.


Re: September newsletter

Ed, oops, Sir Ed,

But get the wife to do the digging, mate.

Thanks for the advice, but that's not gonna happen. She's had at her disposal for 50 years a front porch and a backyard, but I don't think she's spent a total of ten hours outside. She does have lovely skin, no wrinkles, but fortunately, on my advice she's taking 5000 mg of Vit D3 daily. She is no longer deficient in it, but she still has a way to go.

Jack from New Jersey

BTW I made an error in my post. I dug up and laid down only 500 sq. ft.