Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Anyone had this investigational drug and had poor initial response, but delayed successful drop in PSA? 30 days after initiation of therapy, PSA went from 800 to 1700. Test at 60 days will determine whether or not the treatment will be ceased. Thanks for responses.

Re: MDV3100

Was your psa levels doubling monthly prior to this or fastly increasing? If not might be best you drop this drug asap, it has been called 'super casodex' and it binds to the receptor better than casodex type drugs. My conjecture (guess) is that just like in possible use of casodex in some stages of PCa these types of drugs might feed PCa (increases), going off casodex when this happens a phenomena call AAWD (anti-androgen withdrawal) happens and your psa could come down just by going off the drug (I know this is weird) but you can read about it. Just guessing if your psa was not doubling like this prior, perhaps it is the same weird phenomena, I have no way to actually know. Suggest you ask the doc about such an idea. Best to you in this.

Myself would consider psa within 30 days to compare, even if you go elsewhere to get one. I found a walkin psa location deal by a hospital for $15, anytime, anybody and results mailed to you, so I go when I want and/or compare to my docs psa's and I see him monthly for the last 1-2 years now.

Re: MDV3100

Hi, Zufus. Yes, I have heard of that phenomenon with Casodex. Casodex was stopped two years ago when the PSA started to go up on it. In 30 days there will be another PSA and if the PSA is not going down, the MDV3100 will be stopped. However, at that point, there is nothing else available. Thanks for your reply.