Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Rapid Arc Radiation Treatment

Does anyone have any information on or been treated by Rapid Arc Radiation ? Do the cure rates compare with standard IRMT or Proton Treatment?

Re: Rapid Arc Radiation Treatment

I assume you are referring to the Varian Truebeam which is often referred to as Rapid Arc?

If you go to the Resources page and enter Varian Truebeam into the site search engine you will find references to men who have had this treatment or considered having it.

As I said in one comment It is not easy to find any information on the Varian Truebeam system that is not written by the manufacturers.

Good luck

Terry in Australia

Re: Rapid Arc Radiation Treatment

Hi my name is Tom Harris and i just finished 44 Rapid Arc treatments
it was a great experience. The therapist were wonderful and the
routine was easy just drink a 16oz tumbler of water 1 hour before
and hold it during treatments. about half way through i began
to suffer from fatigue and lightheaded. later to find that i became
anemic . radiation oncologist said not from radiation. but my primary says
that is is and we will keep a watchful eye on it. Blood count stayed the same
but will come up after these treatments . the biggest problem was that i was
getting bored.
All i can say is that this was an easy treatment and i would do again if
needed. i will have a psa after 3 more months and see where we go from here.
The best of luck to you

Re: Rapid Arc Radiation Treatment

I am scheduled to begin the same amts of Radial Arc treatments in Nov. Did you have hormone therapy ahead of the radiation? If so, what did your PSA level come down to just prior to the radiation? Thanks!