Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Proton Beam Fiducials

Does every Proton Radiation Center require placement of Fiducials ?

Re: Proton Beam Fiducials

I can't answer that question, but the impression I have gained is that ALL modern methods of External Beam Radiation use fiducials as aiming ponts to ensure a more accurate focus on the areas to be irradiated.

Terry in Australia

Re: Proton Beam Fiducials

I can tell you that MD Anderson insists on fiducials (two of them) before starting proton-beam therapy treatment. They're invaluable for beam direction/guidance and also permit the doctor to use a smaller margin of dose around the prostate (4-5mm, rather than 6+).

Moreover, inquire into the type of fiducials your institution might be using. Some are inclined toward gold when I believe the standard is fast becoming carbon due to its more negligible dose perturbation effects.

Good luck!

Re: Proton Beam Fiducials

I've also recently learned that there are different types of beams used at the Proton centers. I'm told that the "pencil" beam is the most accurate. I'd be curious to know which centers use which beams.


Types of Beams
In order to achieve the prescribed dose to the prescribed area, different types of beams and tools are used to direct and shape the beam. Currently, three types of proton delivery systems are in use, passive scattering, uniform scanning, and pencil beam scanning.

Re: Proton Beam Fiducials

I received External radiation Rapid Arc and my center requires all patients to have gold markers installed.
much better aiming no errors and less dosage required. simple install
with little no pain killers had a big infection with biopsy and did not want to repeat. pain went away rught away

Re: Proton Beam Fiducials

Thank You for the responses. I have learned that Loma Linda Medical Center does not use fiducials.