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ADT Injection Considerations

Hello All,
After a recent GS8 diagnosis, I have opted to join a clinical trial here at the University of Florida Proton Thereapy Institute (UFPTI)investigating the effectiveness of adding low dose chemo while receiving 9 weeks of proton radiation. After the 9 weeks I will be on 6 months of ADT (Lupron, I suppose). I was told I would be receiving 2 3-month shots of ADT. Somewhere on this site I read about getting 1-month shots instead of the stronger 3-month shots. Can anyone give me the pros/cons of getting 6 1-month rather than 2 3-month shots? Are the costs comparable? Are the side effects less to justify getting the 6 shots? Are the 1-month shots Lupron or some other drug. Thanks Joe

Re: ADT Injection Considerations

You need to be extremely careful especially if you have any, even slight, problems with your cardiovascular system. Look at my post on Lucrin (Lupron) side effects. The caused me massive shortness of breath resulting in a heart attack. Be sure to have the first injection for 1 month only in case you do have problems.
Good Luck.
Ken from NZ

Re: ADT Injection Considerations

Hi Joe:

Yes, the one month shots are still Lupron.
The advantage of a one month shot is that you can tell sooner if you have any problems with the drug.

The disavantage is that if you don't live close to the Doc, it is hard to keep travelling there every month.

Usually, the side effects of Lupron will just be starting to show up by week three or four.

Good luck,

Re: ADT Injection Considerations

Aloho Joe H,
In my case the three month shot damaged surrounding tissue where the shot was given. Had 4 shots over a year, and a year after the shot sites were painful. Cortisone shots about 3 months apart have restored that tissue.
Go for the smallest Lupron Depot shot you can.

Re: ADT Injection Considerations

Just to balance the debate, I'd like to say that I've had no problems at all with 12 weekly shots of Zoladex (Lupron) - I've been 4 years on the stuff having had EBRT also. Clearly, some guys have had problems with big doses, though the 4- or 12-week implants issue the drug at much the same pace I believe, whether you have the smaller or bigger doses.

To me. given that it's a big needle and sometimes the nurse misses the sub-cutaneous fat (where it is supposed to go) and penetrates muscle (which you can feel grinding/squelching as the needle goes through) it is quite a good thing to put off the discomfort of those misses to 12-weekly rather than four-weekly intervals! This is an argument for maintaining some fat on your body and not getting too damned slim!

Good luck whatever you decide!

Re: ADT Injection Considerations

for what it's worth I was on Zoladex for 15 months with the 12 weekly shot, the injection itself never ever gave trouble, the side effects were unpleasant to say the least, it has been all over now for 3 months and I am in remission,so, was it worth it? you betcha!

Re: ADT Injection Considerations

Just a minor point: You mentioned shots given by the nurse. I went through a series of 16 injections of Firmagon (Degarelix), each time given by my doctor, rather than the nurse. At first he pushed the material through the needle too fast and it would be painful, so he caught on that it should be pushed in slowly. This had no effect on the pain, the hardening, (induration) at the injection site that would develop later.

Jack (USA)