Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Somtimes I wonder.....

There was a post on another Forum asking if anyone knew anything about Dr Hornsby and the Pennsylvania Men’s Medical Clinic , the subject of a paid advertisement in a Philadelphia which was set like a news item written by a ‘Medical Correspondent’.

The man posting the item pointed out that the Cover Story on Dr Hornsby in a magazine entitled Physician Times Today was not a genuine article being one of the many magazine covers listed by MegaBucks Marketing You, me, anyone could have a 'cover story' on this magazine.

Given this information I wouldn’t have even bothered to read anything on the site and certainly would have considered anything there as likely to be as misleading as the magazine cover. Yet my view again seems to be a minority one.

Am I Robinson Crusoe on this? Do other people think it might be worth trying what Dr Hornsby is advertising – and it’s not too clear just what he is advertising?

Terry in Australia

Re: Somtimes I wonder.....

Aloha Terry,

I suspect, such as the case, that any news note, post, advertisement, public statement, commentary, trying to get our attention. Once that happens, other forces move in for the kill so to speak. I get a lot of spam which clearly states "Click here to be removed from this mailing list". Clicking here to remove your e-mail address will probably (by design) insert your address into 20 plus other lists, for a price. Of course you just might be removed from that list, when they get around to it.

I do react differently to different sources (Wallmart vs. HelpUsPlease).


Re: Somtimes I wonder.....

What's that old adage ... If it sounds too good to be true ...