Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: An holistic approach

I checked out your website Martin, and no where do I see the diagnoses of your prostate cancer. Was it a gleason 6, 7 or 8 which would have a huge impact on whether your techniques, which to this causual observer seem quite similiar to watchful waiting. Without the diagnoses, and repeated PSA tests it is hard to see your efforts as any more than trying to gain profit by artificially raising the hopes of those with prostate cancer.

Re: An holistic approach

My Gleason Score is 4+4. My PSA at diagnosis was 63 and is now 29 and still falling. My intention is not to profit but to raise consciousness that there maybe another way. I have stressed that this is my choice and that what is right for me is not nessecarily right for anyone else. Trying to raise false hopes is the last thing that I want to do.

Re: An holistic approach

Thanks for the info Martin, it helps. I see it has been 18 months since diagnoses, when was the last PSA test? I'd be very distressed at such numbers, I hope you are on to something.

Re: An holistic approach

It's just a number. I have it checked monthly but the most recent scans (6 weeks ago) showed absolutely no progression at all. My Oncologist is scratching her head. I still have some way to go but I have not had to endure any of the potential side effects of the hormones, radiotherapy or surgery and I feel incredibly fit, healthy and happy.