Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: penis pain ?

Go to another urologist and have him check for strictures, which from what you described may be happening caused by the radiation. Doctors are slow to admit that the radiation has many side effects and this is one of them. It may get to the point that urine will stop and if that happens get to the ER quickly.


Re: penis pain ?

Outside or inside, despite my thoughts it was interior, I discovered during my period of greatest incontinence that my urine, heavily laced with Vit C, Saw Palmetto, Vit D, and other vitamins actually burnt my penis---i used rinseless soap to wash it twice a day while changing.

Post Brachytherapy Penis Pain when Urinating

CAUTION: you may want to consult with your doctor first before trying this. Each man's prostate cancer stage and treatment may make this solution not right nor safe for you.
After brachytherapy, my penis burned like I was pissing jalapeno sauce with pins and needles.
At first, I thought the pH difference between blood (in urine) and normal urine was the cause.
After the blood cleared from my urine, I still felt the burning-pins-and-needles pain during urination.
But then I realized, what is the difference in the urinary tract from bladder to penis? Why does the pain only happen in my penis and not between the base of the penis and the bladder?
The difference is TEMPERATURE. The urinary tract temperature is at or close to core body temperature from the base of the penis to the bladder. Obviously, the penis temperature is lower because it is external to the body.
Pain Relief, YES!!! is to put ice cubes in a zip lock baggy and put the ice bag below your penis during urination. The urethra /urinary path is located at the bottom of the penis.
For those with urinary flow problems, this may be a balancing act between urine flow and cold pain relief, since the cold can constrict the urethra in the penis. If the flow stops, take the ice bag off, reapply the ice bag when flow starts back up.

Re: penis pain ?

If I might weigh in on this subject, the dreaded cyctoscopy should have seen what's going on in there. You do not want to risk getting blocked up as THAT can be deadly! If vesicare is not working there is probably something going on you should know about. Probably not cancer but a late necrosis of the urethra cells due to the radiation. Time for a second opinion???? - p (Alaska, USA)