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Re: Orchiectomy


When I was considering my options with my PSA rising sharply and hitting 40 ng/ml and a radiologist saying he could se a bone metastasis, I suggested to my oncologist that orchidectomy might be a better way to go than to start taking ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) drugs. I had been under the impression until then that there were very few side effects with orchidectomy.

His response was that the side effects of the surgery were very similar to those of the drugs – some men had very bad reactions; others didn’t. Different drugs also affected different men in different ways, so it was possible to change drugs if there was an adverse reaction. He also made the point that intermittent therapy was an option while on drugs – it certainly wasn’t for orchidectomy, since that is irreversible.

All of which persuaded me to try ADT Lite – single drug (Zoladex) on an intermittent basis. So far so good. I had three shots which brought my PSA right down and I had very few bad side effects, all of which went away after my last shot.

Of course, this is my personal experience and there will be others with different experiences, but I still think the options on ADT are greater than orchidectomy.

All the best

Terry in Australia

Re: Orchiectomy

Aloha Terry,
Do you know where I can learn more about the side affects of orchiectomy?