Prostate Cancer Survivors






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ASAP-The BEST supplements to fight while "Watchful Waiting?"

I have ASAP-"a 50/50 chance that it may become PC" is what Dr. Bahn said after my Color Doppler Ultrasound. So, "watchful waiting" is on again. So, in the meantime, I've read numerous times that of course, no red meat, no dairy, plenty of fruits and vegetables is the BEST way. BUT, who has had the BEST experience with a prostate supplement and where did you get it?

Re: ASAP-The BEST supplements to fight while "Watchful Waiting?"

See my ADT posting just moments ago.....if you are fatigued.

Re: ASAP-The BEST supplements to fight while "Watchful Waiting?"

Good news indeed, Dave.

My personal view is that there is no BEST SUPPLEMENT. I say that for at least two reasons:

1. Every man is different in his dietary requirements, because every man has a different diet and every man processes what he eats or drinks in a different way. So where, for example, one man may have a selenium shortage in his diet, because he lives in a place where the soil is selenium poor, he may benefit from a supplement of selenium. On the other hand in an area rich in selenium, such a supplement would be (a) a waste of money and (b) have the potential to cause harm.

Another, perhaps better, example is Vitamin D. It seems that there is likely to be an issue arising from a lack of Vitamin D - there are certainly studies that indicate a correlation (note, no proof) of this. One of the main suppliers of Vitamin D is the sun - so men in the Far North and Far South may need a Vitamin D supplement for continued good health, but perhaps less so the dweller in sunnier climes - or even the Northener who works outdoors and even in the sunless months gets enough exposure to keep his Vitamin D levels high enough.

The second major point is that Prostate Cancer isn't one simple disease, although it is often treated like one. There are many 'strands' of PCa many of which react in different ways to different influences. So to think of one 'silver bullet' that can attack the lot is not something that I would personally accept as logical. And of course other diseases or infections of the prostate and bladder which also affect PSA levels are also complex.

My view is that the old adage of 'all things in moderation' is the key. Dr Myers Comprehensive Management Of Prostate Cancer is as good a place as any to consider all the aspects of life that may affect disease progression, in my opinion.

Hope this helps some.

Terry in Australia