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Your "Top 10"

Is it me or does ne1 else find the top 10 list tht u have ridiculous? (that is prob spelt wrong, but wot ya gona do?) nehow my first problem is with the sports ppl:
British Sportsmen of the last 10 years
10) Jenson Button (England)
9) Frank Bruno (England)
8) Darren Campbell (England)
7) Ryan Giggs (Wales)
6) Colin Mcrae (Scotland)
5) Damon Hill (England)
4) Jonathon Edwards (England)
3) Steven Gerrard (England)
2) Martin Johnson (England)
1) Michael Owen (England)

I think its quite obvious tht jake had a lot of input on this, if not it all. sayin Owen is the top british sports person is such a laugh. Wots he done for ne1 recently? He moved to Real where he spends most the time on the bench only a few weeks bk did he score his first goal!for a striker who is suppose to be amazin...whats goin on michael!? Then we move onto the Englands games he's bin playin in...did you guys not watch Euro 2004? We would have had more luck up front with Heskey playin!He was shockin.Ive neva seen so much hype in a player n then have him under perform in such an awful way. Stevie G on the other hand shud b moved rite up tht list, fantastic player.N martin Johnson was amazin in the world cup final. Interestin to c wilkinson didnt make the list when he won it for us? The racin drivers...:S especially button. What on earth is he doin there!? I mean seriously, i don't follow racin tht much but has he eva won a race? I could go on for ages about this but im goin out soon so i must press on!
My 2nd prob is
10) The Rolling Stones
9) Blur
8) The Jimi Hendrix Experience
7) Green Day
4) The Who
3)Red Hot Chili Peppers
1) Queen

The Beatles should be top. They revoulutionised the way music is played today. Sure Queen were good, but they didn't get newhere near the followin the beatles did. RHCP great band, i love um, but no way are they third. ABBA shud b further up as wel. The rest i pretty much agree wiv, apart from i have neva heard the Jimi Hendrix experience but ive heard he is pure quality so i dnt have a prob wiv tht.
My final problem:
10) Cher
9) Rod Stewart
8) Michael Jackson
7) Bon Jovi
6) Robbie Williams
5) Jerry Lee Lewis
4) Kylie
3) Elton John
2) Madonna
1) Elvis

Ok to say Jacko isn't number 2 is an absolute insult. He is one of the greatest performers in the world. Jus bcuz he has sum child case thing goin on dnt mean his music isnt the some of the best the world has eva heard. Can i ask u, who here thinks Elvis still sells many records? Or Madonna wouldn't b so popular if she released another track. jacko however can still sell records bcuz his music is for every era. U take a listen to his greatest hits CD n u will understand tht his music is stil in tack even tho it was released ova 2 decades ago. It sounded great then n it sounds amazin now. How many other artists stil have songs from 20 years ago still soundin so good? Other than that i think i agree wiv the most of the list. Bon Jovi is amazin. Although i dnt no wot the hell Rod Stewart is doin on the list.

Re: Your "Top 10"

Yeh, ive gotta say i agree wiv u on most of the points u made there si, but jake did all 3 of those top 10 lists so thats probably why! The British sportsperson is a total laugh - how are button, bruno n mcrae in it?!!
Tho i do hav 2 disagree wiv u on the best all time bands in that Queen are miles better than any other bands in top 10 and rightly deserve their place at number 1. And notice how they had 2 have 3CDs for their greatest album because theyve written so many great songs!