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Re: Re: The X Factor!!!

Don't diss G4, they rock! And likewise, don't diss Tabby, he's v.good. Referring to Jon's point, Cassie is really talented but I don't think the public will vote for her as the best, as it seems to be that Rowetta is v.popular, even though personally I hate her voice, but everyone else seems to love her. Why?! So yeah, I think G4, Cassie or Tabby should def win!

ReThe X Factor!!!

STEVE 2 win. A god if i say so myself. Not that man rowetta shes for the big boot!

Re: ReThe X Factor!!!

Can i say that thank god voices of soul left last night, relief for us all tho big fat louis "im a knome" walsh took his time. next to go Rowetta, every one praises her but how many people would buy her records. yeh none, and i dont think cassie has the talent to win( no offence) but the other 3 are miles ahead, Tabby to win with Steve then G4 as i dont think they have the ability to sing the songs we want to hear, cus they is all classical alltho the britney song they did was special

Re: Re: ReThe X Factor!!!

Thought it necessary to give you my thoughts on this one! Firstly: Tabby rocks! Secondly: Rowetta's a minger and Thirdly: voices with soul- what were u thinking?!