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Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Due to some players not being able to pay their Annual Subs (or turn up to explain themselves after recent disappearances !) because of the postponement of our Pre-Season Friendly against North West Neasden, it is likely that Trevor will not be able to name a definite squad for our first League match this coming Sunday until after our 7-a-side League match this coming Thursday night (to give players a chance to 'impress' in that, to pay their Annual Subs, or to prove their fitness).

The way it stands at the moment, we have the following 15 players available for this Sunday who are fit, recently reliable, and have paid their Annual Subs:
Simon Jackson (GK)
Darryl Johnson (GK)
Alan Barnard
Terry Moore
Martin Loveday
Stuart Dorward
Rob Brown
Scott Jenkins
Tem Adil
Peter Murphy
Steve Cokell
Tony King
Conor McGovern
Daniel Daley
Danny Green

However, obviously we want to field our strongest possible side for our first League match, so it would be silly not to give a bit of leeway for the following players to be named in the squad (bearing in mind the North West Neasden postponement):
Jim Arrowsmith ...was supposed to have paid his Annual Subs directly into the club account last week but does not appear to have done so ? He can bring his £25 in cash or cheque round to me before Thursday if he wants, and that will be good enough.
Vernon 'Kizza' Nxumalo ...Paid £38 subs into the club account last week but it bounced ! Says he will try again on Tuesday, which will be o.k. if it clears.
Terry Brown, Clark Williams, Paul Duffy, Rob Jackson & Jamie Martin ...These players have not paid their Annual Subs yet, but I would suggest that if they want to play 7-a-side this Thursday, that Tony King names them in the squad for that only if they promise to bring their £25 Annual Subs along on the night so that they can be in contention for Sunday's squad.
Joe Ansell ...Has paid his Annual Subs but has not turned up to our last three 7-a-side or 11-a-side matches. He is not on the internet and myself and Trevor have no idea where he is. It is up to him to get in touch before Thursday to explain himself.

The following players are 'definitely' not available for this Sunday:
Danny Hagan ...Thigh injury from Crouch End Vampires Training last week. Out for 'two weeks', so I assume that means this Sunday and the 13th ?
Paul Woolston ...Family commitments
Foysol Ahmed ...Ramadan
Danny Smith ...Not registered. No photo provided yet.
Danny Bates ...Not registered. No photo yet. The rumours going round at the League Meeting on Thursday night were that he has now signed for another club in another League, so that will need to be checked out as to whether he is more committed to playing for us or not.

That's the situation as far as I know.
Please reply to this (or e-mail me) if your situation has changed regarding your availability for this Sunday.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I'm in

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Both scott and me are at our mates wedding Sat night then staying at the Royal Chace Hotel.
I am pretty sure I did say???


Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Not avalible for this one

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I'm ok

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I am available.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I'm fine to play.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)


Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)


Rob.J is also available if needed. Please let us know as soon as poss. Cheers

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Rob.J is also available if needed. Please let us know as soon as poss. Cheers
It will be on Friday.
Please make sure he does not go and arrange to do something else for Sunday before then.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Have received £20 Annual Subs from Jim in an envelope through my door today.

Isn't he supposed to pay £25 though ?

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I don't think I'll be quite fit for this coming Sunday. My dead leg turned out to be a torn thigh (are you listening Tony K???!!!). I will still make the effort to come over and support however.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I will be there unless a late rush by the subs slouches makes me surplus to requirements....

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)


Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

just to confirm im not available COULD be ok for the 13th

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Just to confirm that Jim has paid £25, not £20.
He had already paid Trev £5 the week before.

Also, Clark is available for selection if needed and will presumably bring his Annual Subs on the day.
He is not on the internet at the moment as his computer has broken down.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)


Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)


When are you gonna get your arse into gear and edit the highlights from the Varosi game?

I'm looking forward to seeing my dashing run into the box and clinical poacher like finish. Like Michael Owen of old............

Are you taking note Magoo?

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

When are you gonna get your arse into gear and edit the highlights from the Varosi game?
I have made a start on it, but I now have to visit my Mum in hospital.
Bit awkward bringing my laptop in there !

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)


When are you gonna get your arse into gear and edit the highlights from the Varosi game?

I'm looking forward to seeing my dashing run into the box and clinical poacher like finish. Like Michael Owen of old............

Are you taking note Magoo?

you ran so fast Tone that I thought you were on fire.

Then I realised it was just your head

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

I just can't stop looking at your legs X

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

We can now confirm a squad of 16 as follows:
Simon Jackson (GK)
Darryl Johnson (GK)
Stuart Dorward
Alan Barnard
Terry Moore
Martin Loveday
Tony King
Tem Adil
Jim Arrowsmith
Steve Cokell
Peter Murphy
Clark Williams
Rob Jackson
Vernon 'Kizza' Nxumalo
Conor McGovern
Daniel Daley

Clark, Rob Jackson and Kizza have not paid their Annual Subs yet, but they are in the squad because we do not have anybody else available who have paid Annual Subs.
We hope they will make an effort to pay when they turn up on Sunday.

I also need Kizza, Clark and Daley to confirm that they know they are in the squad, and for Daley to meet at the Donkey Lane end at 10.00.a.m. as opposed to after the kick-off !!!

Gavin Mardell and Gary Cokell (if he is not working) will come into the squad if anybody drops out.

We have heard nothing from Terry Brown, so we assume he is working again this Sunday. We have no idea what Jamie Martin is doing either.
Also, Joe Ansell is now going to be working on Sundays and will not be playing for us, while Danny Bates is probably now going to be joining Rosemill (in the bottom Division ?) instead of us.
Danny Smith played 7-a-side tonight but admits he is having second thoughts about signing at the moment as the players he has come along with are unlikely to be playing.

I need to know if Paul Duffy intends playing at some stage (I know he posts on here), as it does concern me that we have paid his £20 ex-London Ajax embargo for him and he still owes us that money. In theory, he could now get a transfer to another club in our League without playing a game for us, which would obviously be well out of order. He must pay that £20 to us before he plays for anyone.

If the ex-London Ajax players do decide to leave/not join us 'en-masse' it will obviously lessen our chances of winning Division One this season, but it shouldn't result in us struggling to field a side as we still have the likes of Kris Spyrou, Aaron Illsley, Foysol Ahmed and others registered and willing to play if there is a chance of them getting a fairly regular game.

Despite our embarrassing 10-3 7-a-side defeat tonight to a team that lost 28-0 the other week, I still think we can have a good season !

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Joe Ansell is now going to be working on Sundays and will not be playing for us,
Correction to that.
It should read 'Joe Ansell is having problems with his work and MAY not be able to play on Sundays'. (Just me being 'negative' again ! ).

I don't know if maybe Rob Brown could have a word with the ex-London Ajax players to see how committed they are ?
We need to know if Terry Brown and Jamie Martin are going to be available soon.

By the way, Daley has confirmed his availability for Sunday. Let's just hope he finds a cab driver who knows how to get him to Enfield Playing Fields by 10.00.a.m. this time !

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Mmmmmmm so one new signing in the squad then - why am I getting De-ja-vu? A close season full of promise & yet again - Nitto!

Hopefully not a Sunday morning 10am 10 man squad again!

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Hi lads, just to confirm, I can't play Sunday, I have to work.
Best of Luck.

Kizza (COME ON YOU HAMMERS)!!!!!!!

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Mmmmmmm so one new signing in the squad then - why am I getting De-ja-vu? A close season full of promise & yet again - Nitto!

Hopefully not a Sunday morning 10am 10 man squad again!

No negativity Magoo, we get enough from Lol.

I don't think we fielded less than 11 at all last season.

Those days are gone. There was only 1 game where we struggled.

We have the players already to challenge, it's availability thats the problem.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Hi lads, just to confirm, I can't play Sunday, I have to work.
Best of Luck.

Kizza (COME ON YOU HAMMERS)!!!!!!!
Kizza, is this going to be a fairly regular ocurrence ?
Like 2 or 3 times a month you are suddenly going to find out on a Friday that you are working on a Sunday ?

If it is, then that is the reason why I get so 'negative'...because we have far too many players doing that, and they are invariably our better ones.
You were Man Of The Match in our last Pre-Season you can't play. To me, that is so much more frustrating than various ex-London Ajax players deciding not to join us.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Well Tony, apart from the game when we turned up with only 6 or seven men on a frozen pitch.

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

Jesus H Crist!!!

Ex London Ajax players are not deciding not to join us!!!

I'm injured; Tel is er... working for someone important; I will see Jamie this evening but I am sure he is still available; Joe will have to work occasionally on Sundays but otherwise really wants to play; Paul is a good Catholic boy so he will rather be down On Broadway on a Sunday than in Church, so that's ok; and Smithy is the most indecisive person I know but I'll bet he'll be playing within two weeks. I can't comment on Dan Bates situation.

It is so boring that the season hasn't even started yet and the negativity has started already! Blimey O' fucking Reilly! Give it a rest or you'll frighten new players away! All this "I told you so" bollocks is really fucking annoying!

Anybody would think we were the only Sunday League Club in England with availability problems!!!

Re: Squad For Sunday 6th September (Away to Enfield Royals)

And we've got two more goalies than a lot of clubs, c'mon Mr Magoo, take an Oath of Optimism....haven't even mentioned that I'm back to add my 65 per cent's worth....

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