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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Down the Line

Hi Ann,

Protection of wild life here is a big thing, I applaud your efforts for sticking to your plan. Maybe you could also try International Wildlife and Conservation and see what they say. Good luck.


Re: Down the Line

Donald & Beano, I got a phone call back from an official of the Council in Belfast. He told me he would be getting onto Lisburn Council; however, he did waffle on about money being tight. I pointed out that the state of the Lagan was also a Health & Safety issue. Children could be tempted to try and walk on these weeds as they look so solid, but underneath lies a deep, dark and treacherous river. I haven't received any phone calls from Lisburn Council yet, but I'll let you know what happens. Sad state of affairs, especially for the beautiful swans who can do nothing about their plight.

Re: Down the Line

Hi Ann about the towpath Belfast and Lisburn councils have nothing to do with the towpath the people you are looking for are the rivers agency on the old hillsborough road

Re: Down the Line

Anna, thanks for looking in. As a matter of fact, a Rivers yellow vehicle was on the towpath on the day we were down. I stopped the van and spoke to the driver about the state of the river. His reply, with a grin, was, "All it needs is a good flood".!!!!!!!

Since ten I have had e mails from the Council and Wildlife Protecction, who say they are "looking into the matter".

Re: Down the Line


Get on to Buckingham Palace, the swans are the Queen,s property ,she will make a call as an animal lover.


Re: Down the Line


10 OUT 10 for your efforts regarding the Swan and the state of the Lagan....Way to go. Pat on her post, suggested the Queen, good idea, as Philip has just retired as President of the World Wild Life protection association.


Re: Down the Line

This is the reply I received re my complaints about the Lagan.

Re: River Lagan at Hilden.

"Thank you for your e mail received by this office dated 19th October 2017 regarding the above. From a drainage aspect my comments are as follows.

The River Lagan is designated under the terms of Drainage (NI) Order 1973 which is on a watercourse programme. Any maintenance carried out by the department is only done to ensure the free flow of water within the waterourse. The area in which you speak of is part of the disused canal and is therefore outside the department's remit.

As the disused canal is not designated the maintenance responsibility lies solely with the riparian land owners".

It's a case of "pass the buck". No mention of the swans either.

Re: Down the Line

Such a pity,a beautiful stretch from Lisburn to Shaw,s Bridge walk. The disused canal with the Overfalls (which were gushing merrily last wend) deserves to be cleaned too.

Maybe concerned young people or an organiser would volunteer to work on it. Happens to old waterways here for tourist purposes.
