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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

Donald, The Daily Mail would tell you to use it on your hair too.
I bet Eamonn lowercase reads it every day to cheer him up.

Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

i had an uncle who used it on his bread instead of butter or marg,and some men back then used as a hair cream

Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

Hi Barney, This article brings back memories of a short period 1955 I worked in Vauxhalls in Luton and then I had to get a very early bus from Leighton Buzzard into Luton around 6am or sometime around that, Consequently on arriving we headed straight for the canteen as you still had a few minuets to grab a cup of tea before the line started and they also served Bread covered with dripping which was a big seller but I could never warm to it so I just opened my piece and slipped a crust out , Memories ! Regards Ted

Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

If you live long enough, you'll find that everything we thought bad for us is now OK and vice versa. As a doctor once told me, "Everything in moderation". Wish I could take his advice.

Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

Hi all,

A LITTLE of what you fancy does you good, think I'll make round mince & onion with gravy, boiled potato, & veg for dinner.



Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

Pat, that used to be my favourite dinner when the children were young. It's still very tasty but, unfortunately, I can no longer eat mince.

Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil


Made a Shepherd's Pie yesterday evening, another favourite, even Finn, the dog, loved the leftovers, along with carrot/parsnip & can you believe he loves cauliflower.

Hope it is good for him, but he looks healthy. I am spoiling his diet of Royal Canine nuts only.......the way we do!!!


Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil

Pat, as you know, we have Tess spoiled too, feeding her carrots, parsnips, rice and pasta with added gravy. Not all of these together of course. The expensive food which the vet recommended and which we buy, remains uneaten until she knows there's nothing more forthcoming in the way of human food.

Re: Lard is healthier than Sunflower and Olive oil


As you know Finn is too much for me now, a big healthy 20kilos that does what he likes, which is lying in the sun, eating tasty food, chasing the cat, wanting indoors all the time to create havoc, running away with anything for a chase round the garden. Any slight noise he is up to see who or what it is, nosy is the name.

He is very clean & friendly & loves a chase but when HE tires, lies down or walks back to the house, a very intelligent dog.

Unfortunately I cannot give him the right exercise for a beagle & Joe takes nothing to do with the excercising, so if anyone wants a lively 1 year old to keep fit, Finn is "yer man".
