Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Preparing


I share your sentiments, yesterday herself and I celebrated our Golden Wedding. I used to have such fears about dying but in the last few years have come to accept it as part of living. When I look at our children and grandchildren and what they achieved then I realise life was worth living and can only thank the Lord that we live in a civilised part of the world, seeing the Chancellor Angela Merkel speaking to child refugees in a camp about the horrors they experienced confirmed this


Re: Preparing

I am pleased for you; that you get satisfaction from your long marriage, and from the achievements of your offspring. I share those with you. I have no fears of death. I have some regrets about life, and there are one or two things I still hope to accomplish. Thanks for letting me into your life through your posts, and for your early emails which meant a great deal to me.

Re: Preparing

Dabbler and Donald, I agree with both your sentiments. I, too, accept death now as naturally as I did life all those many years ago. It's just the manner which might cause some concern but that's all. Dabbler, I'm sad to hear that Joanie is not too well physically. To me she'll always remain that nice wee, auburn haired quiet girl who went to school with me. I hope you'll give her my best wishes and I do hope she remembers me. Did you go and visit her recently or did she come to you? In any case, you say it made you feel better in yourself. That's good. As you say, preparing for the inevitable is part of life. It helps the family accept that final parting in an easier manner, knowing that you had accepted it yourself. Anyhow, don't you dare go anywhere for a long time yet.

Re: Preparing

I just knew that someday it would come to this subject. may I respectfully suggest that you all take a diazepam + double brandy and cheer up. this forum is like a sponsored page by Thompson undertakers. of course were all going to die, just not today. time to take up pole dancing in gods waiting room (witherspoons) as suggested some time ago.

Re: Preparing

Eamon Lowercase. "Hear Hear", I am probably the oldest contributor on the Forum but the last thing I want to think about is dying?, in my service in three Navies and an Air Force I had more narrow escapes from death than I care to think about but thats all in the past. Its nearly 70 years since I stumbled down the Longstone at the ripe old age of 15 just a few months short of 16 and carrying an oversized suitcase little dreaming of the life that lay ahead.

eg. Service in three Navies and an Air Force

Being Married three (3) times

Being a resident and Citizen of Canada for over fifty years

Guess I had better stop there.????? MAURI

Re: Preparing

I don't want to upset interesting posters by extending my dreary posts, but Ill briefly reply. Joan is waiting for a place in a nursing home. She has not been as fortunate, with her health, as me.
But that's life. Eamonn lowercase and Mauri are right to be upbeat. I have plenty of reason to be happy. I have been to a charity gala today and enjoyed watching children performing. My own eleven year old grandaughter is here in the next room with her nanny, my wife of almost fifty six years. Mauri, keep sending in those warlike tales; and Eamonn, don't stop those cheerful posts for which you are renowned.
Ann, Joan said exactly the same - not anytime soon,

Re: Preparing

Eamon lowercase
I just knew that someday it would come to this subject. may I respectfully suggest that you all take a diazepam + double brandy and cheer up. this forum is like a sponsored page by Thompson undertakers. of course were all going to die, just not today. time to take up pole dancing in gods waiting room (witherspoons) as suggested some time ago.

sometime we must face reality and not push it away. An old lady who perhaps you knew from Hilden, Rosie was her name often said " Always make sure you are wearing clean underclothes and you have enough money to bury yourself"! she then continued, " Pray for a happy and Holy death"! I remember many corpses in coffins being carried feet first out of the houses in Hilden, Rosary beads entwined in their hands. Joe Marley, not Thompson was the favourite undertaker in the 50s, when you went to his business in the Dublin Road to arrange a funeral he always gave the mourners a free drink as he also owned a pub.
donald ( also known to his friends as the morbid one)

Re: Preparing

Donald, I don't think you're a bit morbid and I always enjoy your postings. I do think that Eamon doesn't like to talk about death or depressing subjects. He seems to like things to be kept on a lighter tone. That's fine too, but you have to let other people express their feelings, everyone's different.

Re: Preparing

Hi all you preparers,

Life is for living, death is for dying & none of us are there yet.!!

As Louis Armstrong sang "It's a Wonderful World" a favourite song of mine.

Every morning hail or shine it is another beautiful day here, full of new things to do & full of good memories.

As Pope John said " Have your bags packed" that is enough


Re: Preparing

ahhhhhhhhh death where is thy sting lol some body i knew used to quote that one not sure now just who

Re: Preparing

Barney Dylan Thomas comes to mind but then again it might not be Regards Ted