Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Well you never know whats around the corner??. For some time Joy has been complaining about a pain in her left leg but even though she had it X Rayed in a Local Clinic nothing showed up so went to a Chirapracter for treatment, only had two visits there when the pain became so bad she actually screamed, at that point I called the emergency and she was conveyed by ambulance to the local hospital where another XRay showed a broken hip bone and today she was operated on successfully and visiting her after the operation I found her more cheerfull than she has been in ages so is now looking forward to getting out and about.

The puzzling thing is how did the bone get broken as she hasn't had any falls recently, I tend to think that there was a small fracture there which didn't show up on the first XRay but with the movenment of the leg during the Chirapracter treatment that this really aggravated and increased the break, but I guess we will never know for sure and the main thing is the problem has been resolved.


Re: Hospital

Good Morning Maurice Thank God Joy is back on the mend,she must have gone through hell with the pain things seem to be going pretty positive now hope its for the making of a great Christmas for you both and you'd can put it behind you Kind Regards Ted

Re: Hospital

Mauri, posted a message to you and Joy but was spammed once more. Will just ask you to give Joy our best wishes.

Re: Hospital

Hi Mauri,

We are both sorry to hear of Joy's problems, hope she is up and about real soon. Give her our best wishes.
The problem with Chiropractors over here is, "so you have a pain in your back" get up on the table and we will see what is causing the pain, that's his/her first words. Then you are twisted and turned, despite the fact that you are more pain than when you went in, they are a bunch of quacks, I for one do not believe in them.


Re: Hospital

My thoughts entirely Beano,
Lucky Joy did not have " An Adjustment ", this is also one of their favourite move$, there was one of these quacks in Calgary who was up to this trick and a few others to which I could relate. Glad you got her into the care of a regular MD Mauri.

Re: Hospital

i agree with you about chiropracters. a female friend of mine had a sore neck and advised by someone to see a chiro. he dislocated some joints in her neck. she was a week in hospital in traction and wore a neck support collar for a couple months. a bunch of quacks.
mauri, i hope your wife gets better very soon

Re: Hospital

The Quack from Norn Iron, practised in Calgary and had his usual retinue of faithful followers. I remember going to him for sciatica treatment and said that he would need an X-Ray before deciding on the treatment. He stood me against a wall, advised me to place my feet on the marks on the floor, just so. Then before taking the X-Ray he took my shoulders and " straightened " me up.

After the X-Ray was developed, he pointed out where my spine was curved. I thought no wonder, as he was the one who had curved it.

He then gave me an " adjustment ", I felt a few joints crack but felt no better. He tried his ultrasound and warned me that it might be painful, I didn't feel a thing, he said he would turn it up a bit, still nothing. I said turn it up all the way, still nothing, he remarked " You are a non-believer ", after his best efforts he shut the thing down as I still felt nothing.

All around his office we're pictures of RAF fighter planes, I found out later that he had presented himself to the RCAF as an ex-RAF fighter pilot and had actually represented the local wing on visits to the UK during their Battle of Britain commemorations. The only catch was that he was only 15 when the war ended !


Re: Hospital

Hi Guys, Thank you all for your kind comments re Joy, she is doing well and will probably be home next week sometime.

The hospital is only about a tweny minute drive from my home but on Wednesday I left the hospital in the late afternoon in the middle of a heavy snowstorm, it took me two hours to get home as it was just creep and crawl, I haven't driven in weather like that in years so was I ever glad to get into our parking garage. Of course there were the usual idiots passing on the inside etc and going far too fast for the weather conditions, don't know where their brains are, "Yes I do" but am too polite to say on this respectable forum.???? Mauri

Re: Hospital

Mauri, did Joy have a hip replacement carried out? In this country, the hospitals discharge you as quickly as possible. I think I was discharged after 2 days. The reason, I suppose, is to cut down the risk of infection, but in my opinion, it's far too early.

Glad Joy's is recovering well.

Re: Hospital

Mauri, I see that you're having bad weather over in Canada and the USA. Hard to imagine that as I look out this morning to a blue sky and not even a breeze. In fact, it's quite mild and lovely for this time of year. Mind you, the rain pelted down yesterday but no snow, thank God. It must be very difficult for you driving in those conditions. Take it easy and let the idiots overtake.

Re: Hospital

Ann, Yes we had one bad snowstorm this week in this part of Ontario but nothing to what they got in Upper New York State. The funny part about it is from time immorial the Americans have alway kidded Canadians about their snowy winters yet the truth is in a lot of the American States they get far more snow than most of Canada. Today is a lot milder than the previous few days and is expected to get a lot warmer on Monday.
Nice to hear that you are enjoying some nice weather in NI, the one thing that always gets me when I return over there in the winter is the damp, I remember going over one Xmas a good number of years ago and going to a soccer match at Windsor Park on Boxing Day, I nearly froze even though I had some pretty warm clothes on, that damp just goes right through you.???. Mauri

Re: Hospital

Sorry Ann, I forgot to answer your question re Joy, yes she had a hip replacement and the usual recovery time after the operation is five to seven days, she had the operation last Wednesday and has had someone in a couple of times to exercise the leg and today they had her walk a few steps though this was after I had left. I would hope she would be ready to come home on Monday or Tuesday, but will see.??


Re: Hospital

Mauri, Joy's recovery time will take much longer than 5 days. You do have to walk as soon as possible after the op (slowly and painfully) but it'll take some months before she's back to normal. Having said all that, if she's anything like myself, eventually she'll not even feel that she has a new hip. It'll give her a new lease of life, Mauri, so watch out.

Re: Hospital

Mauri, we had another beautiful day today. There was frost during the night but when I took Tess out for her walk around 9 am I didn't even have to wear a coat. I was just saying that if this nice weather continues, we'll not know the winter going in. I mean, after Christmas, the evening start to get lighter; before we know it, the snowdrops will be showing their heads, then the crocuses, and next thing it will be spring. I love spring, my favourite season.

Re: Hospital

Ann, Yes its going to take a little longer than I thought, today she moved into the Rehab wing which has a gym,dining room etc and will be exercising etc untill she is considered fit enough to be released and of course the time period for that vary's with the individual. Mauri

Re: Hospital


My thoughts are with Joy, as my right leg has been very painful this last 2 weeks, also affecting my hip & my walking & getting upright, so I am going to the Doctor on Friday.

Remember I had a fall when Finn was just a young pup & I fell heavily on my right side. I didn't bother Doctors, as I seemed to be o.k. Hope there is no damage to my hip, I have had enough operations.

Glad to hear Joy is recovering well, tell her she is in my tho
ughts & to take it easy when she comes home, we have to watch our steps now.....


p.s. was spammed before this post.

Re: Hospital

Thanks Pat, Will certainly convey your message to Joy later today. Tried to phone her a little while ago but no answer so must be up and about somewhere in the Rehab wing though no doubt using the walker.

Tried to pay some bills over the phone this morning something Joy usually does, what a carry on?? while I managed to get a couple paid apparently some sort of clearance code is required for the other two, now they are sending this code to me by mail which is going to take a few days by which time they will probably be past the due date,?? now if they can send the code by mail why in God;s name could they not just give it to me or accept the payments over the phone. I am now heading to my local bank to raise hell????. Mauri

Re: Hospital

Mauri, the HELLRAISER. Good for you, keep fightin'. Mind you, as Dominic deals with all the bills and paperwork, I would be in your position too given similar circumstances. I would probably have to raise hell too. The fightin' Irish. Keeps us livin'. Keeps the adrenaline pumped up. Go get 'em Mauri.

Re: Hospital

I'm still confined to the house with this cold. I thought it would have cleared up by now. However, I'm still sneezing, snuffling, red-eyed, not to mention watery, and don't feel like doing very much at all. Did settle down this afternoon and watched Oklahoma, with Tess lying on the sofa beside me. Definitely my favourite musical. Seeing all the sales on is driving me mad, as I can't get out. As I stated, and perhaps with a grain of truth in it, "God works in wonderful ways". At least, look at the money I've saved by being confined to barracks. 'Tishoo, bless me.

Re: Hospital

Ann, Sorted it out in the bank without too much trouble although at one time I thought the nervous guy I was talking too was about to kiss me. Then I went straight to the hospital from there and had a confrontation with a nurse, while I appreciate the work they do and most of them are really helpfull and friendly this one was a real b---and me being in the mood I was, wasn't going to take any crap so the sparks flew.?? It was all over Joy being moved again to another room which I though was stupid as this was her fourth move, today when I was there the Wing mangager herself a senior nurse came to me and apologised and said while they attempt to keep patients in the same room during their stay sometimes because of circumstances it becomes necessary to move some patients around, so what could I say??? Mauri

Re: Hospital

Mauri, your temperament sounds a bit like mine.

Being moved around in hospital isn't the most ideal, especially after surgery, but I imagine there are reasons. Doesn't make it any more acceptable, though. Tell Joy we are all thinking of her and I know that she'll be delighted with her new hip eventually.

Still sniffing and sneezing, even at 7 am. Another day in the house is looming. On the bright side I have used my enforced time indoors writing out Christmas cards and wrapping presents, so I am still keeping busy enough.

Re: Hospital

You'll be sick of me talking about this cold. Just to say that it's going away, but very slowly. I'm still sniffing and my voice is an octave or two lower (nicer than my normal voice). Took a walk round to my daughter's yesterday morning just to get out in the air. We looked at old video recordings from when her children were babies and toddlers. I enjoyed that, seeing the children doing all the things that children do, swinging on the garden swing, paddling in the paddling pool and jumping on the trampoline, and their wee voices carrying in the air. Then, looking at them as they are now, all grown up. I saw myself in some of them, makes you realise how fast the years are passing. We're into December, the last month in this year.

Re: Hospital

I have been informed Joy is being released tomorrow, I was in the hospital early this morning expecting some information as to what was going on etc, met with the Release Planner and she told me a decision wouldn't be made untill tomorrow so I left to do pick up some groceries get the car washed and gassed up and several other little chores. Got home and there is a message on my answering machine to call the hospital but before I could they called me and then Joy's daughter who was already at the hospital came on to tell me she was being sent home tomorrow.
So her daughter and me will be there in the morning to take her home and Boy will I be glad though it will be some time before she is fully mobile as Ann has indicated. I just hope I don't run into the Release Planner or I might say something, "No I should be just thankfull that she is on her way home" Mauri

Re: Hospital

Mauri, great news that Joy is being discharged today. She'll be as delighted as you. Mauri, hope you are a good cook, slut and butler, because Joy will be able to do very little in the way of work or cooking, so be prepared. I know you are really just delighted to get her home and that's the main thing. Good luck to you both.

Re: Hospital

Ann, Although my cooking skills are a little rusty, for dinner tonight the menu is.

Pree Dinner Drinks if desired

Lamb Chops, mashed potatoes & mixed vegtables

Peaches & Ice cream

Coffee Or Tea


Re: Hospital

Mauri, that sounds a very tasty dinner. How's Joy, now that she's at home?

Re: Hospital

Ann, Doing good thanks except at times I have to use my power of command to get her to do her exercises ?????. Mauri

Re: Hospital


Good news about Joy being home to convalesce, it will take a while, but with your good care & healthy dinners, she will be a new woman.

You two will be on the road again soon, maybe nearer home this time, but I envisage you both travelling in the Summer. Canada has so much to offer for holidays, such scenic woodland & lakes & glorious sunsets.

My country of adoption, the country is run for the people, no nonsense tolerated, everyone has to be responsible & respectful to the law.

That was my impression anyway. Pat

Re: Hospital

Pat, Yes Joy is recovering good though still not very mobile. Who knows what the summer will bring,?? I would like to do a Mississipi cruise ut think it will be a while before I can talk Joy into going. I would like to do one last trip back to Northern Ireland, though the only relation I have there now is a brother in Belfast and he is always on the go to somewhere eg he spends the winter in South Africa and Botswana. Mauri