Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Today was a 'scorcher'. I used my free bus pass plus a wee bit of shoe leather to visit my last place of work. First time in thirteen years, and it was nice to find a couple of old workmates there. (I love to talk - I've even been known to listen). I moaned to one of them that I never go home, and was amazed to learn that his mother was Irish, and that his uncle used to say he would love to return, and that his body was taken there when he passed on. A miserable story for the Ennglish, but me, I was lifted by it. Come back Paddy Reilly, an' all that,


Herself and I celebrated our 49th Wedding Anniversary today, we took a 3 hour boat trip on Starnberger Lake and then went for a meal to a Yugoslavian restaurant. It seems just like yesterday that I lured her out of Magheralin using jam sandwiches down to Lisburn. I still tease her and tell her her she has long ears because as a small child her mother held her up by the ears in the direction of Lisburn and said "Chile dear , down there is Lisburn, try and get a husband from there for they are the best"!


Donald, a boat trip was a very romantic touch for your 49th anniversary. You're a bit of a Romeo at heart, and quite right too. Many congratulations.

Donald, we were married 53 years in June. I remember it well. Sure, I had no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dabbler, I see from the weather forecast that the weather in and around London is hotter than Spain. It would be lovely, except for the city workers. Our weather is mixed, as usual. One day good, the next cloudy. Same old, same old. However, when it's good, I get the sun lounger out and make the best of it.

Dabbler, would you like to be back at work? I mean, after visiting your old workplace and seeing your mates.


I live in an idyllic spot in Sussex, near enough to enjoy Brighton or London, but surrounded by downland and sea. What workers?
I miss talking, and lighthearted 'flirting'; I never liked working, though my attendance record was second to none.
In answer to your question, i would like to be twenty or thiry years younger.


And, Ann, while standing at a bus stop, talking to a guy who sleeps on the streets, I was suddenly aware of a white haired lady within arm's length, a lady that I immediately recognised as one who made me blush thirty years ago by telling me she preferred me to a handsome arrogant workmate. In a way, I wish I had spoken to her before she disappeared unto a bus, to tell her what a nice feeling that gave me so long ago -in work.


Dabbler, I don't think "lighthearted" flirting is allowed these days. Everything has to be PC. I mind the days .............


Dabbler, I would love to be 17 again. That was my favourite age. Not engaged, not married, going dancing every Thursday night and everything else was in front of me. No ties of any sort. I'm not complaining but 17 was a magical age.



I would say 16 was my magic age & early thirties as well, tho' not as free & easy.

Mind you, any age is good, if we are healthy & free from disasters like a tree demolishing most of your Cottage!



Ann. you may well be right. That woman could have got in trouble with the 'thought police' by flattering me, especially as we were both married.


The football just finished recently and this past few days the TV has been going full blast with golf. Mind you, the kitchen TV, not in the front room.

Is it over? Please God say it is.