Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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The wee park Hilden

Just browsed some photo's of the wee park at Hilden brought back memories of when I was young when we threw lumps of branches into the cheeser trees not being smart enough to realise if you left it long enough they would fall off on their own.

Re: The wee park Hilden

Gordon, the wee park is still there. The swings and roundabouts are changed but basically the park is the very same. I always remember the big wall which ran the whole way from the wee white houses right down to the park entrance. I used to run my hand along this wall as I made my way to the park. A good bit of the wall remains.

I got great excitement and butterflies in my tummy as I neared the wee park entrance. Great days. My favourite was the "burlies". You would hardly remember them or would you?

Re: The wee park Hilden

I remember it all well Ann prizers the roundabout trying to put someone over the bar on the swing and helping the caretaker put every thing away' I was home 2 years ago and things have changed a bit the wall you talked about looked massive when we were kids.

Re: The wee park Hilden

I don't know if you agree, Gordon, but the Low Road children nearly always played on the swings at the park entrance. I suppose this was because those swings were the nearest. I remember having a good swing, going high up in the air and enjoying the experience. Then, I would become aware that other children were waiting their turn, so I would have to let the swing "die down" and hand it over to the next person.

Re: The wee park Hilden

You are right Ann we mostly played on the swings but it was annoying when there were too many waiting their turn.

Re: The wee park Hilden

Gordon & Ann & all,

I was afraid of the "Burlies" as the experts used to catch your rope & lift your seat high into the air so that you criss-crossed a couple of others on the way down.

I only went on when these experts were absent.......coalie.!


Re: The wee park Hilden

Pat, what you experienced was a "fairylander" on the burlies. This was when one "burley" was criss-crossed over the rest. The result was that, whenever everyone ran round, and eventually took off, whoever was on that burley fairly flew high up in the air - hence, Fairylander. We all loved this and couldn't wait for our turn.

Re: The wee park Hilden

Ann & all,

I always hated any of those "chairs" or "switchbacks" at fairgrounds, even "bumping cars", must be a memory of the "burlies"

I am not one for taking chances.


Re: The wee park Hilden

I was only on a roller-coaster once in my life and that was enough. Scared the life out of me and I was only a young girl then. I'm not fond of the bumpers either, but have been on them a few times. Not any more, though. Might shake the life out of me. Don't like the chairs either. BUT, I loved the burlies. (might be spelt "birlies"). As in "birl" - Scottish dancing.