Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Canadian Holiday

Well friends,

Trying again to tell you all about our recuperation in Canada in June. We really needed the rest after all the trauma in Feb.

We were whisked off to Tobermory, a lovely resort on Lake Superior, where we had a quiet month with family & friends from schooldays, who joined us later.

Bronagh had a "Cottage" for us at Big Tub Harbour,where we cruised on the lake & saw shipwrecks in a glass-bottomed boat & went to Flower-pot Island & many others nearby. The weather was kind so we were outdoors most of the time & got tanned.

A lovely spot with quaint little shops & nice little resturants by the harbour, friendly people, a visitors centre, fresh seafood etc. Sunsets were lavender pink, turning to fiery red on the lake.... glorious.

All in all a place to revisit in the Summmer even for a day or a week/end. We have returned home completely back to normal, all worries gone.


Re: Canadian Holiday

Hey, Pat. did you see Bill and Ben on Flower-Pot Island? Not forgetting "Weed" of course.

A holiday of a lifetime.

Re: Canadian Holiday


Bill, Ben & Weed welcomed us as friends, even showed us around & introduced us to many more on Flowerpot island, go there & back by small crafts from the cruiser. A once off adventure especially in a rubber dingy full of people.


Re: Canadian Holiday

Is that true about Bill, Ben & Weed? I was joking, never thought it would be real. Magical.

Re: Canadian Holiday

That sounds great, Pat. My deceased brother used to sing about Tobermory Bay, and I always thought it was in Ireland.
You needed that rest.

Re: Canadian Holiday

Dabbler, re Tobermore Bay - let you into a secret. I thought it was in Ireland too. We would let ya down a bucketful, wouldn't we?

Re: Canadian Holiday

Ann, I have very sentimental thoughts of that song, so I ask, is it Tobermore or Tobermory?

Re: Canadian Holiday

Hi Dabbler,

Tobermory Bay as in the song, is in Scotland the Hebrides in fact. My Dad used to sing that song, he said he learned it while he was stationed in Campbeltown Scotland at the beginning of war. I am pretty sure Bing Crosby sang it.

Hi Pat,
Welcome back, glad you enjoyed "our" Tobermory, you certainly got the weather for it. Our Daughter Karen is off to Manitoulin Island tomorrow, they have rented a cottage there,and intend to go by ferry from Tobermory. Doreen and myself have been there quite a few times and have always enjoyed it.


Re: Canadian Holiday

Thanks Beano
I don't think Robert ever went to Scotland, but would have listened to Bing.

Re: Canadian Holiday

Beano, thanks for the information on Tobermorey. We now know it's in Scotland.

"Campbelton Loch I wish you were whiskey
I would drink ye dry".

I think Andy Stewart sang that one.

Re: Canadian Holiday


We didn't go on that big white ferry to Manatoulin Island tho' I would have loved to visit it. Maybe next time?

It is an Indian Reservation I hear & a few natives worked in the shops & were very helpful, they travelled back & forth on the Ferry every day.

We were amazed at the cargo that boat unloaded, one day we sat by the harbour & saw a massive long trailer loaded with logs, drive off, followed by trucks, cars & an unending stream of traffic.

We were told the best Fish & Chips are sold by natives from a van on the roadside about 20 mins before Tobermory.


Re: Canadian Holiday


We certaintly did, only realised we were suffering from Post Trumatic Stress when we were on holiday & it disappeared.


Re: Canadian Holiday

Pat,Ann, Dabbler,and Barney,

I just sent a long winded post and it has been designated as "SPAM",
What is going on???????????


Re: Canadian Holiday

Beano, sorry about your posting. I know how you feel. I've come to the conclusion that anything too long is classed as SPAM.

Are we now limited to the amount of words we can post? I wonder is Darryl looking in? Darryl, what's happening???????

Re: Canadian Holiday


I hate losing posts & I am sure yours was interesting, do try again.

How is Doreen & Stephen.? Pat