Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Talking to myslf

Well, I've often felt like that on here over the past ten years.
But I confess I was expecting The Lords Prayer when I mentioned that I ever ot pleasure from that now unmentionable entertainer.

Re: Talking to myslf

sometime I feel the same way on the forum. A few years back it was entirely different with postings by the score.Maybe all are away on holiday.

Re: Talking to myslf

It seems to me there is a mixture of 'posters'. Unless the replies are not from real people??
instead of a torrent of posts about debatable subjects, we get nothing.
nor do we see lots of stories about the old Lisburn, which was my original hope. Whilst I am well aware that I have probably outlived most of my childhood acquaintances, and that not every old man is interested in telling their tales online, there must be Lisburn youngsters interested in their antecedents. I am also aware that many are 'into' modern music and games, but it is surprising that this little forum is so neglected.

Re: Talking to myslf

Looks like the forum is dying out or maybe so many posters are on holiday, maybe it will pick up in Autumn
I myself have fond memories of old Lisburn as do no doubt many ex Lisburners from around the world, maybe some will get active

Re: Talking to myslf

Like everybody leaves overnight and returns when the summer is over> LOL

Re: Talking to myslf

You lucky people! I am here again, instead of Facebook.
Di Stefano is in a coma.
If you are wondering 'who', you are not a football fan. Old Alfredo Di Stefano is one of the greatest players I ever saw. It was in a friendly at Highbury way back in the early sixties, maybe late fifties, Arsenal was mY team, then and now, but I knew I was in the presence of greatness as this maestro swaggered around our 'holy ground'. Tomorrow's football headlines may not include the name of the old 'general', but I must tell you, he honestly made the hairs on my neck bristle as he trapped a ball, placed a possessive foot on it, and extended an arrogant arm to point imperiously up the field. A small moment lodged for a lifetime in the memory of a small man.
And by the way, I am watching Costa Rica lose on penalities.

Re: Talking to myslf

i've been watching, or recording, a lot of the football.
may be my imagination, but years ago the standard of football was much higher. even the school football, we were told by the teacher when getting a pass, stop and steady it, don,t just boot it, which seems to be the norm now. watching it now, i'm thinking george best would leave this lot for dead. and years ago i thought jimmy greaves was the most dangerous man in getting a pass anywhere near a goal, he could turn on a sixpence. ah well things go on.

Re: Talking to myslf

The game is faster; all the players are trained athletes, but Alfredo, Georgie and Jimmy would have excelled in any era.

Re: Talking to myslf

Dominic says Dennis Law was the best poacher inside the penalty area.

PS I haven't a clue what a football poacher is and I'm not interested in finding out.

Re: Talking to myslf

My posting has been defined as SPAM so you'll never know what I was talking about. As it happens, very little. However, I did finish by saying that I hoped to have something interesting to discuss very soon. I haven't a clue at present what it is, though.

See ya.

Re: Talking to myslf

world cup seems to be played to take out best players on any team by fair means or foul as was seen when a brazilian star was crippled by a knee in the back, and so many foul plays on the dutch team was sickening
sportsmen, i hear ye,never mind the ball get the man seems to be todays way of playing even bite him

Re: Talking to myslf

Tom the game is way too fast these days for stop and steady they would have the ball off you and down the other end in 5 seconds the old players with the exception of maybe George couldn't keep up with modern day players we have the same thing here with Aussie rules football they keep talking about greats of the past but with training and sports science ball games are getting quicker and quicker I would like to be still playing with the soccer balls they have today.

Re: Talking to myslf

Di Stefano is gone. Gordon, he was special. Like George Best and Ferenz Puskas, he would have matched any player in his position in any era. I was privileged to see them all in the flesh.
Dennis Law was astonishingly quick over a short distance, and I saw him leap to head balls that taller men wouldn't get near. They all added something to the life and memory of this wee man.

Re: Talking to myslf

I am surprised that nobody has mentioned any of the great players in the old Northern Ireland league, players like Davy Cochrane,Tommy Breen, Jackie Veron, Jimmy Mcilroy, Alex Elder and of course the one and only Danny Blanchflower, though I am not sure where he started off. There could have been others like a good friend of mine who went to Scotland for a trial with Aberdeen but broke his leg during the game so that finished him. Mauri

Re: Talking to myslf

I am surprised that nobody has mentioned any of the great players in the old Northern Ireland league, players like Davy Cochrane, Jackie Vernon, Tommy Breen, Alex Elder,Jimmy Mcilroy and of course the one and only Danny Blanchflower though I am not sure where he started off. There could have been a lot of others who never made the headlines like a good friend of mine who went to Scotland for a trial with Aberdeen but broke his leg during the game so that finished him. Mauri

Re: Talking to myslf

All fine players, Mauri; as was Peter Doherty, But I think only 'BESTY' from the whole of Ireland rates among the world's all time greats

Re: Talking to myslf

Hi All,

Sorry I haven't been shown posting,everything I send is considered spam.
Admittedly I haven't been on since Doreen went into Hospital, however like Dabbler I am fond of the football. For me "BESTIE" was the best I have ever seen, Pele was great as well. Remember, DiStefano was on one of the greatest clubs of all time, "Real Madrid", they were untouchable in those days.
Alex Elder an old timer!!!!! he just turned 72


Re: Talking to myslf

Beano, I only encountered this "Spam" thing a few days ago. Haven't a clue what it's all about. Must be a certain word or words which interprets the posting as Spam. Here's hoping this goes.

Hope Doreen keeps well, and Stephen of course.

Re: Talking to myslf

Beano, Alex Elder was related to Jack Elder who was the caretaker at Lisbutn Central School for years. However I'm not sure of the relationship though I think he was Jack's nephew. Mauri

Re: Talking to myslf

Pat tried to get a posting on this morning, telling all about here holiday in Canada. It was defined as SPAM. What's happening?

Re: Talking to myslf

Hi Mauri,

I am not sure what Alex Elder's father worked at, however, I do know that his father's name was "Jack".


Re: Talking to myslf


Sorry to hear Doreen is or was in hospital, you both have had your full share of troubles this past while, but nothing lasts forever, so enjoy the coming good times, you both deserve them.

Prayers & thoughts always of Stephen.


Re: Talking to myslf

Beano, Hope everything is going OK for Doreen and Stephen. is Doreen stil in hospital. Mauri