Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Bob Morrison

Hi All

Does anyone remember Mr Bob Morrison , from Church Street . I have met him ,and his wife home from Australia.
I have already wrote a lengthy story only to be rejected as spam .

Re: Bob Morrison

Tom, I don't know the Morrisons but I'm sure some others will. Are they home on holiday?

Re: Bob Morrison

I remember working with Bobby Morrison from The Green, Longstone 1971 in Dornier Munich , he would be around 70 now. If my memory serves me correctly he met and married an English born girl named Kate who lived in Germany.

Re: Bob Morrison

Hi Ann

Had a big story typed out , only to be told it is Spam AAAAAAAAAAAAh!
Yes the couple are home for three months.

Re: Bob Morrison

Hi Donald

Hope yourself and the family , are all well. Yes this gentleman , would be about 70yrs . But his wife is a Belfast lady . He said that his father , was a caretaker in Sloan Street School.

Re: Bob Morrison

The Bobby Morrison I knew went to the Tech in the late 50s and served an apprenticeship ( Today known as studying ) in Shorts. Possibly two different persons or could be his second wife. Off now to Lignano for a few glasses of red biddy.

Re: Bob Morrison

Donald, I'm envious of all your trips. I always say that when my wee dogs are no more, we'll get a holiday or two together. That is, until we get a new pup and then it'll start all over again. Hopefully, that won't be for a good while. However, we are tied with them - our fault, as we won't leave them with anyone else.

Love me, love my dog.

Re: Bob Morrison

Hi Donald

Hope yourself and the family , are all well. Yes this gentleman , would be about 70yrs . But his wife is a Belfast lady . He said that his father , was a caretaker in Sloan Street School.

Hi Tommy,

If his dad Harrison Morrison was caretaker at Sloan St., then it is the Bobby Morrison who ran around with us in our teens. I sent an e-mail to the address you sent me, so far no reply.
I was thinking of you this morning at the hospital, the nurses station had a couple of Pat Boone numbers on some golden oldies station and it just sent me back in time......remember when?????.
Best wishes to Evelyn and yourself.


Re: Bob Morrison

The Bob Morrison who is home was called Robert at school. He had two sisters Belle and Ann. Mrs Morrison was a Nicholson from Bridge St. This is really far down memory lane ! Margaret

Re: Bob Morrison

Hi Margaret,

That's the Robert I knew, you are spot on. Robert was a cousin of Jackie Adams, their Mothers were two of the Nicholson sisters.


Re: Bob Morrison

Hi Billy & Margaret

Yes you both have got it sussed ! He did mention , that Mrs Nicholson was a relation . So sorry that I did not get the information , where they were staying . But thinking that I may meet them again , before they go home . Billy I had wrote you a whole section on the exiles , but it had come up as Spam . I have asked Darryl for help !
Finger,s crossed that yourself , and the family are soon on the mend.
Evelyn,s late mother had shingles on her face , and it was not a pretty sight , and seemed very painfull.
Tommy & Evelyn

Re: Bob Morrison

I am awake early on this summer morning of 2014. Football World Cup is in full flow on the TV, pushing the cricket, tennis and golf into the background, War is either in progress or threatened throughout the world, and I awake wondering about people from my past, even about some unborn when I left my hometown sixty years ago.

Re: Bob Morrison

Beano, hope your shingles go soon There must be an epidemic about one of my friends who lives in Banbridge has them on her chest from back to front on one side and feels really dreadful. All the best to you and Doreen God bless your son. Margaret

Re: Bob Morrison

Hi Margaret,

Thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated. Doreen is booked for surgery on Thursday, my Shingles are not so painful now and Stephen is out of hospital again. Stephen is having a really rough time, he has spent 37 days of the last 52 in hospital, he is a true fighter in every sense of the word. We just hope and pray for a miracle. Thank you again.

Billy (Beano)

Re: Bob Morrison

Dabbler, the World Cup should be banned from television. I hate it. Dominic watches it in the kitchen. It's ridiculous - men running around kicking a ball and the whole world excited about this. I know I'm in the minority and I blame my hate of sport for being the only girl in a family of 4 boys and a sport-loving father. Pat was married, leaving me the only girl in the house. Sport was always on the radio and then the TV. I never had a choice in what I wanted to watch. No wonder I listened to the radio in my granny's house.

Anyhow, rant over. I love waking these beautiful, sunny mornings. I get up a bit earlier and we take the dogs out early too. I am on a reading frenzy again. Started and finished "Of Mice and Men" on Saturday night - a brilliant read, quite short but beautifully written. Have several more good reads. That's better than the stupid World Cup.