Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Attack down the line

Just after seeing on the local news that a man was attacked down the line yesterday. Apparently, he was out for a walk in the afternoon and was set on by two young thugs, who kicked and beat him. However, he managed to run down the towpath towards the Wallace Restaurant and was able to find safety there. He was taken upstairs to the restaurant, bleeding and bruised, and apparently the two thugs were standing outside waiting for him to re-appear.

The police were called and were able to get the identity of the criminals on CCTV. They both have been arrested, thank goodness.

Apparently, it's being looked upon as a racist attack.

I'll think twice about walking the line towards Moore's Bridge. You never know what nutters are about.

Re: Attack down the line

I,m having trouble answering, a spam report stops me posting

Re: Attack down the line

Ann and Donald,

I am having the same problem ......still. I got one to go through out of four, I will see what happens!!!!


Re: Attack down the line

still cannot reply

Re: Attack down the line

Donald and Beano, bit of a nuisance when you cannot post. I'm sure it will come all right eventually.

I have no news to tell at present. I'm leading a very blameless and boring life at present, but I better not complain as there are people who have something to complain about.

Nice couple of days here.

Beano, hope Stephen is keeping well.

Re: Attack down the line


Trying again....Today we got some positive news on Stephen, thank you for your continuous support. He was back at the Cancer clinic today after three weeks of intensive medication, anyway today he went back on Chemo for a further set of eight sessions, here's hoping this is a turning point.
Thank you again,Ann.


Re: Attack down the line

Beano, Do hope you are right that this is a turning point for Stephen. Right now I am like a blind sheep, still waiting to get my right eye done and I go and lose my about being stupid."". Has to go and take an old pair in and get a new lens for theleft eye that will probably take a week. If there are a lot of mistakes in this yout know wy. Maurii

Re: Attack down the line

Here´s another go, no doubt those 3 young chaps will regret their actions later but they have ruined their lives. No doubt they face a prison sentence and later when looking for employment and a mortgage they will not have much luck

Re: Attack down the line

Hi Beano, Its been a long haul, and I do hope you's get some positive results following these next 8 sessions, just to let you know our thoughts are with you, and I keep lighting the candles and Stephen is included in the Help-line , Hope this works ? Regards Ted

Re: Attack down the line

Mauri, I have my eye op next week. Can't wait to get it over and done with. What next I wonder?!!!!!!!

Re: Attack down the line

Ann,, Best of luck with the op,I am still waiting for a date to have myright eyedone. I think I mentioned about losing my glasses after having a new lens for the right eye put in. Well today as I walked in the ront lobbly I got talking to a guy as I was picking up our mail,and mentioned about the difficulty in reading with old glasses.Hes said there is a pair of glsses on the notice board i round the the corner that have bee there for seveeral days,I rushed round and sure enough thery werer my glasses somebody must have picked them up and put them on a little ledge under the notice board One lens working is better than none/ Mauric

Re: Attack down the line

Mauri, I'm glad you got your glasses back. I hate losing things. I would rather give something away than lose it.

A few weeks ago I lost a gold bracelet, which one of my daughters had bought me. I am quite careless with some of my jewellery, especially bracelets. I cannot be bothered taking them off at night so they are worn all the time, in the shower and all. At the back of my mind, and many a time I thought to myself that I would lose one or both. Tempting fate, I kept on wearing the bracelets all the time until one day I discovered one was missing. I knew I had had it on my wrist that morning so I looked everywhere inside the house. I hadn't been out anywhere so even though I didn't find it that day, I imagined it would turn up. Time went on and felt sad that I had been so careless with a good piece of gold jewellery, but decided it was lost. I still wore the other gold chain all the time.

Well, a couple of weeks went past and I had more or less forgotten about the bracelet until one morning Dominic dangled my lost bracelet in front of me as he came in the back door. He had spotted it sparkling in the sun in a corner of the back door. I don't know what the thing is called where the bracelet lay, but it's for keeping out the rain. It had slipped off my arm and had lain there all the time.

I was delighted to get it back and don't wear it every day now. However, sorry to say I haven't really learned my lesson as I still wear the other one day and night.

Re: Attack down the line

When a presumably well educated politician says patronisingly that he would trust muslims to go to the shops for him, it comes as no surprise to learn that racial attacks are increasing.

Re: Attack down the line

Dabbler, I know. Just this week both the pastor and First Minister have made private and public apologies for their outbursts. Some would say the damage has been done. I hope not.

Re: Attack down the line

Ann, Just received noticeon Thursday that my my right eye operation is scheduled for the 19th Juneso I can swee light at the end of the Tunnell???? Mauri

Re: Attack down the line

Mauri, that's great. Only a few days after me. We can compare notes. Good luck.