Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Nothing lasts forever

Hi all,

Managed to get computer working after a blip in reception lately. Only get on at intervals when visiting Sheena's.

We hope to move home again Tuesday week, after an absence of 8 weeks or more..... As the old saying goes "You never know the value of what you have until you lose it." Very true.

Thankfully our ordeal is nearly at an end, it was very traumatic for us, especially Joe, whose 20 years work at the Cottage & garden was destroyed by a 45ft high 30ton tree, in the storm force 10. on 12th February.

I never imagined the effect a shock & trauma could cause to ones nerves. The upside is I can sympatise in a special way with anyone now in trouble or worry or loss, as never before in my life

Thank God the old saying is true, what does'nt kill you makes you stronger. Must say family & friends could not have been more helpful.

Thank you for all your messages. It meant a lot in the midst of chaos & bewilderment. Nothing does last forever luckily, so if any of you are in that dark place remember this, one day more, one day less.

As my old Granny used to say every night, "Thank God for everything" She was a wise woman.

So enough of trouble & strife, this is a new day & I am still here bruised & battered, but surviving & learning from experiences.

Good vibes to everyone, enjoy the day, you cannot manage tomorrow.


Re: Nothing lasts forever

Pat, good to hear you are almost over your natural disaster . Aidan.

Re: Nothing lasts forever

Pat, Glad to hear you will soon be back home. What an experience for you and Joe???. But as the old saying goes."Alls Well that ends well" Mauri

Re: Nothing lasts forever

Pat, one day nearer home. I miss our daily phone calls.

Re: Nothing lasts forever

Hi all,

Moving in postponed until next Thursday, due to the Bank Holiday, for May Day week/end. Gives us a little breathing time to clean up after the painter/builder etc. Back-breaking work getting spots off the wooden floors & the many windows need cleaning inside & out. Luckily my window-cleaner, a tiny man in his 60,s, agreed to do this next Tuesday, so my old bones will get time to recover.

Joe has the garden tidied up a bit tho' a lot need done still
,where the tree uprooted needs infilled & levelled which required topsoil & new shrubs etc. Insurance does not cover garden damage.

Thanks for the good wishes, I only get on computer when in Sheena's at w/ends, hope to be reconnected again at home next week or soon anyway. Miss the phone line too, Ann & the daily calls, have to use mobile all the time, expensive business.

Will be glad to be in the Cottage again, back to the usual routine, which we did not appreciate enough before the calamity.

Mauri is right, all well that ends well. Give my regards to Joy Mauri, hope you both are well & enjoying your new apartment


Re: Nothing lasts forever

Joy is doing fine Thank you Pat but has lost the desire to travel she has even let her driving licence expire which I suppose is a good thing if you have lost the confidence to drive. Glad to hear you will soon be back in your own home it sure has been a traumatic experience for you both. Mauri

Re: Nothing lasts forever

Hi all,

We are in the middle of 30 boxes of all sizes all big & bulky since Thursday, when the movers returned & filled the Cottage with them. A job to keep us busy for at least a week, unloading & putting all back in place. Not to mention clearing out all the junk gathered up over the years. I will tell everyone no more presents as we have more than enough things to last us till the end of time.

Having a look in at Sheena's house as my computer is not yet reinstalled, but hope to have it back in a week or so. Till then good wishes to all..

Mauri, Joy has realised, like myself, Pat no place like home.

Re: Nothing lasts forever

Hello again,

Still working at settling in so will not be on here for a while. The family are arranging everything for us & say we need a break so maybe a surprise holiday is in the offing.

Have lots of bags filled for War n Want, we gather things round us that we throw out, hardly used later. Wisdom comes too late.


Re: Nothing lasts forever

It's never too late.

Re the surprise holiday, anywhere in particular in mind? Are you taking anybody with you?

Re: Nothing lasts forever


We are en route to the Cottage up North in Canada , with the family,for that rest & recuperation, getting away from it all. Talk to everyone when we return to reality.

Enjoying the sun & Lake Country scenery & the company of family & friends. Bye for now.


Re: Nothing lasts forever

She's a cute one; I say, she's a cute one. "A surprise holiday", she says. I was thinking maybe a week in Kilkee or even Spain. Canada's the best surprise yet.

I think she and Joe will be glad of the break after all the trauma at the cottage in Co Clare. It's just what the doctor ordered.

I miss our daily phone calls, though.