Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Are you superstitious?

I had an aunt who was very superstitious. She was quite a devout and gentle lady but remarkably superstitious. She used to warn me "never look at the new moon through glass". I didn't ask why but apparently it was unlucky.

She thought it unlucky to see a single magpie. If she did see one, she quickly looked around to find another one.

If a bird hit the window it was supposed to be the sign of a death.

If there were 2 teaspoons in the sugar bowl, that was the sign of a visitor.

The usual one, of course, of never walking underneath a ladder. All my life I have deliberately walked under ladders, just to tempt fate.

There were others, about spilling salt and having to throw if over your left or right shoulder. You weren't meant to open an umbrella inside the house. I do this all the time too. There was also one about not setting your shoes on the table. I think this would be more in the region of hygiene than superstition.

Anyone else superstitious? I definitely am not. My oul Aunt Annie was, all her days. I'm sure she's in heaven. If she's not, God help the rest of us.

Re: Are you superstitious?

Ann, I am not nor ever have been superistitiou, personnally I have always thought it all to be a load of nonsnese. Though I must admit when I was at sea I was usually the lone man as regards this, as most sailors are supertitious especially if lightninc hits the main mast???. Mauri

Re: Are you superstitious?

Ann & Mauri,

Some I remember..An itch in the right hand means a shake hands.

In the left hand, Money coming to you.]

Itchy bottom...Surprise.

2 spoons in a cup...a birth.

Drop an knife means a man coming to visit.

I found them true in instances except for the money one!

p.s. Just as I finished this an empty wine glass side fell out, onto the table, what happened.??????? Does this mean all superstition is just that.! Is someone trying to tell me something.?


Re: Are you superstitious?

Hi Pat, Nice to see you back on line. Hope everything is going well with the renovation of your home I guess you and Joe can't wait to get back into your own home. Mauri

Re: Are you superstitious?

Pat, where did the empty glass fall out from? (your pocket)!!!! Good to see you back on.

Re: Are you superstitious?

Mauri, another tale was that if a new baby was born covered with a caul, sailors would have been keen to receive this. The caul was supposed to be lucky for the sailor or ship. I think it meant the ship would never go down. I'm sure you've heard of this one.