Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter.

We've been having glorious weather this past few days. Long may it last. Sat out in the garden this afternoon and got my face burned a bit, but tomorrow it will be brown. I'll be glad to be rid of the ghostly winter white.

Hope you all have a good Easter, whatever you're doing.


Ann, Happy Easter to you and of course everybody else on the Forum. If you are talking to Pat say Hi from us any sign of themgetting back to their own home soon. Have a great weekend or whats left of it. Mauri


Hi Ann and Mauri,

A very HAPPY EASTER to you both and all Forum Friends. First time on in over four weeks, no P.C. till yesterday, for all my e-mails I used my daughter's old Laptop. Lots of comments to catch up on, delighted to see my old mate Gregg St.Boy making comments again. I will be back on after catching up on all the latest.



Mauri, Pat is OK and hopes to be back to the cottage at the end of this month. She and Joe are living between two daughters. During the week they stay at Deirdre's and at the weekends they are with Sheena. In between times they visit the cottage, so it has been a big upheaval for them. I myself miss our morning chats. I'll tell her you were asking for her.


Beano, I'm delighted to hear from you again. I wondered what was wrong.

Beano, I was speaking to Daphne last week and she looked very well. We were talking about you, so if your ears were red you'll know why.

Will be glad when you come back as the Forum posters seem to be in decline. Where is all the new blood? Have they no craic?


Hi Ann,

Thank you for the welcome back. I read a lot of the contributions on Saturday night, some great stuff. I liked Dabbler's little poem as I always do, the one from Barney was thought provoking. I stayed up late Saturday as Stephen was feeling really sick, to cut a long story short we had to have him rushed to Hospital by ambulance at six o'clock on Sunday with a very bad case of Pneumonia, he is in Intensive care his condition is critical. Just leaving now for the Hospital, prayers again would be appreciated.



Sounds like an UNhappy Easter, Beano.
Mine is mixed. My very competent younger son is putting the finishing touches to the bungalow next door before moving in with his adorable wife, and I learn that my sister, last seen over forty years ago, is in hospital after a couple of falls.
Wishing you better luck, my online friend.


Dabbler, mixed news from you. It's great that your son and daughter-in-law are moving next door. You'll never be lonely and they'll be there if there is a crisis of any sort for them or yourselves.

Dabbler, the sister who had a couple of falls. Is that the same sister who was knocked down in Lisburn some time ago?


Beano, so sorry to hear about Stephen's recent bout of pneumonia. It's early days I know but I hope he's feeling a bit better now that he's in hospital. Terrible time you're all having. I think sometimes it's almost worse on the family, if that's possible. All you can do is be there for Stephen, which you have been.

I will certainly remember him in my prayers.

Take care. We're all with you in spirit.


Ann; no, it's the one you went to school with.
My wife and I have helped aa wee bi moving stuff, well, i haven't doone much, but I'm shattered.
An old neighbour, Irish as it happens,who moved north a few weeks ago to be near his daughter, died this morning.


My excuse(s) for 'typos' - old age tremor - and I await an eye test at hospital.


Beano, Do hopeStephen's condition has improved. Mauri


Dabbler, I hope your sister recovers okay. Last time I saw her she and I were at primary school and that's how I remember her; auburn hair and very pretty. If you're speaking to her, please give her my good wishes.


Dabbler, seems like you've joined the "eye brigade" here on the Forum. I await my second appointment for a new lens. I'm being re-built, bit by bit. Pity about the wrinkles. They're appearing by the day now.


Ann, Mauri and Dabbler,

Update on Stephen, he is still in critical care, a very slight improvement in the pneumonia. I thought he looked a bit brighter today, I will accept any improvement what ever it is, it is hard to watch him struggle for breath. Thank you for your support and prayers.

I see you have had eye surgery, I hope it was a success. Billy Irwin you mentioned in an earlier post, died three or four years ago, he was in the band when I joined. I hope Joy continues to improve, please give her our regards.

I saw your photo on Facebook recently, what a beautiful lady you are. I certainly don't remember you from Lisburn, I wish I had!!!. Your posts are always a great read, you never let us down. Have a wonderful time in Spain.

My online friend and more, I looked up a few of your old poems recently I get a great lift from them as I have said before. I copied them into a folder called Dabbler's goodies. They do cheer me up when I am down, and that has been a lot lately. Thank you from one old mill man to another.

I hope you are ok again after your bout of illness while you where in the States. It is hard to keep a good old Mackies man down.

To all contributors thank for all your feedback and reminiscing



Thanks for your kind regards, I,m on the mend. My cough returned and my doctor prescribed me an inhalation therapy which is starting to kick in


Beano, despite your own personal troubles and heartache, you have been kind enough to reply to each of us here.
Thanks for the compliment, always very acceptable now in my mature years. (notice I didn't say "old").

I, too, wish I had known you (and some of the other Lisburn Forum people) when we were all living in Lisburn. Lisburn isn't the same place now as it was all those years ago. I know that sounds corny, but it's true.

I'm glad that Stephen has improved, even a little. I do remember him in my prayers each day. Stephen's illness is bound to be a constant worry to you and Doreen. The very fact of you both being there for him is the greatest gift. Nothing like having your parents around when you're feeling ill.

I hope Stephen continues to improve.


Your kind words show you to be the kind of man I expected that teenage mill boy to become. Meeting you online was terrific lift for me. Just seeing those names that you wrote, the Island workers, 'took years off me', as we used to say.
I know you don't like talk about religion, but I can offer you no greater compliment than to say that I KNEW you were a nice shy decent boy, and I didn't give a monkey's what religion you were.
Like you, I feel an affinity for all the forum posters. Mauri writes the most adventurous stuff, and you wonder how on Earth he packed it all into one lifetime. Pat, from Irish dancing to mature lady, has lived life to the full. Ann, well, Ann makes me smile and think,'Lucky old Dominic'.
Donald knows more about my Irish family and friends than I do, and there is a tenuous link everywhere on the forum to old Lisburn, the Lisburn of good neighbours and good craic.


Beano, Joy says thank you shei is doing pretty good though not up to travelling very far, not even to Halifax wherere one of our grandaughters is getting married next month.?. "Ah well" b een there done that??. Mauri


Dabbler, I'm glad I make you smile. That's what I love to do - make people smile.

As for "lucky old Dominic". He definitely is a lucky man. What other man would get out on a Saturday night to watch football in his local pub. He's out with one of our sons and our son-in-law. Muggins here has agreed to lift them later.

In the meantime, I have been washing all the floors and generally tidying up. I love having the house to myself, except for the dogs of course, as I get far more done. Men only get in the way.

Dominic is not a drinker. If he has more than 3 pints of Guinness, he'll be telling me the same yarn 2 or 3 times when he comes home. Then, tomorrow morning, he'll go over the same thing again.


When I have more than three pints, get the bed ready - quick!


Dabbler, he actually had 4 pints and everything I predicted came true.