Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Just something I read

Gabriel Garcia Marquez has died. That news will have little impact on the hearts and minds of my old friends and family. But if there be one among you who has dabbled in the spiritual world of Spanish Literature, note ye the passing of one of its Greats.
I personally read One Hundred Years Of Solitude, and Love In A Time Of Cholera, and I personally share, in a remote and small way, the grief of the author's family.

Re: Just something I read

Dabbler, I visited the cemetery today, and brought flowers for the 3 graves belonging to family members. I didn't get a chance to visit your family grave this time.

I noticed a big, new plot, very tastefully done, for those who have been cremated. Before that, we had no special place in our cemetery except for those buried in the traditional way.

Everything has to come up to date, sooner or later.

Re: Just something I read

Ann; Thank you.
I'm looking from one thread to another. I once met Davy McCormack, whn I was about seven to ten. He was a close schoolboy friend of Kevin Corken at Hilden. Kevin was a pleasant lad who looked after me, as I was tiny and he was tall.
Incredible though it may seem, Ann, I am only now reading about The Troubles, and learning that such despicable acts took place in and near to my hometown. I finally understand why nobody 'talks' about that awful, seemingly permanent 'situation' x

Re: Just something I read

Hi Dabbler,

Regarding the Troubles, that is the reason I am a Canadian Citizen.
Our old boss the late Jim Collins did not want politics discussed on the Forum and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.


Re: Just something I read

Ann, I am a little puzzled,do you mean there is one communal grave for those who are cremated ? I have some family members who were cremated and were just buried in the usual type grave. Myself I refuse to be cremated as I could not stand the heat????? Maurii

Re: Just something I read

Beano, you're right; manure is a more suitable subject.
Jim was a very helpful man. He once emailed to ask if I were satisfied with the formula of the forum.

Re: Just something I read

Mauri, it's one big area that is sub-divided into 60 plots. Each plot has 4 sections for 4 urns. Each plot will have the name of the deceased.

As regards cremation, I haven't fully decided. I would hate the thought of rats running over the top of me so maybe I am leaning towards cremation. Mind you, I wouldn't like to wake up just as the flames were licking round the casket. Nor would I cherish the thought of waking up in a coffin 6 ft underground with no bell on my toe to raise the alarm.

What a topic at Easter.