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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Herrings half a crown a dozen

I remember the Herring man coming around Hilden on Fridays with his horse and cart, shouting " Herrinsalea"!and selling them for 2/6 per dozen.I was in Munich centre just now giving up my income tax return and bought 4 Herrings the cost €6 !!!!. The kilo price was €14,99. What once was a paupers meal has become a luxury. Yesterday herself and I opened the Biergarten season and had between us a litre beer, a giant Pretzl and a very small grilled mackerel. Together they cost €23,80!!

I read once that here in the Vaterland Chancellor Bismark when he introduced the old age pension in Germany said now the pensioners can afford a herring to their potatoes. Hence the name, " Bismark Herring " = a pickled herring. If this continues that will become history.


Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Donald, "herrinsalea". That's what it sounded like to me also. I wonder what on earth the man really was calling out? The Belfast Telegraph boy was another one who shouted something unrecognizable although it was to do with buying the paper. Luckily everyone knew that.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

The Telegraph boys shouted " Disixth " which meant the sixth edition.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Donald, "herrinsalea". That's what it sounded like to me also. I wonder what on earth the man really was calling out? The Belfast Telegraph boy was another one who shouted something unrecognizable although it was to do with buying the paper. Luckily everyone knew that.

a boyhood chant came to mind just now when the herring man came to Hilden we sang, " Herringsalea, fresh and blinkin, come to the cart and smell them stinkin"!

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Donald, that made me laugh. Never heard that one in the Low Road.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Do any of you remember the "skin man" coming round the doors. He had a horse and cart and collected leftovers for his pigs I think. People usually gave him potato skins. I suppose anything else was eaten. Even stale bread was made into bread and butter pudding, but thank goodness my mother never made this "dessert". Nowadays, bread and butter pudding is considered a great delicacy. Don't fancy it myself.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

I remember all of these - and I love the bread and butter pudding.
I wonder if the herrings call was related to the French 'allez'?

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann, I always thought that " Herrings Alea " or " Herrins Ali" meant " Herrings Alive "

During the war years, especially on a frosty morning , we distinctly heard this cry from our farm, about a mile from the the source, Hillsborough, Main Street.

I think the seller brought them in from Ardglass on his pony and trap and I remember my mother frying them replete in their stiff tasty skins and all.


Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

I think the call maybe was "Herring alive", but were they alive? Dabbler, you may be right but "allez" wouldn't really fit, unless the herrings really were ready "to go" and I don't think in those days they would have been.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Hi Ann A bucket of water lashed over them done wonders Regards Ted

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ted cudda made them shift with his bucket of water, but Im sure the seller would have let them go at the right price.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Tuk another notion for herrings yesterday and when in the Viktualienmarkt Biergarten bought 6 gutted and beheaded, Kilo €9,99. The six cost €6,12. Herself removed the backbone and fins and I fried them on the balcony, dipped in flour. I said here before I´m not allowed to fry them inside as the house stinks afterwards for days. I bought an electrical paella pan some time ago and it is ideal for this purpose. I wanted to pott them but was not allowed to, would love to find some potted but never have , once about 40 years ago in Augsburg I found some kippers but never again. I remember 60 years ago when a family Braitwaite who lived at the Locks went to Isle of Man yearly for holidays always posted my Great uncle Ned 6 kippers as a present from there.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Donald, I see your appetite is as healthy as ever. Good for you. You're a great man for the cooking.

Not sure when our herring season starts. Ted will no doubt let me know. I don't bother potting my own now. The fishmonger in Lisburn Market sells his potted already and they're delicious.

Have to make more plum jam as we only have two pots left. Will get 6 lbs plums today in Kells.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann, It's been a long time since I tasted a potted herring and I wonder are they in season. We will be in Lisburn tomorrow, Kildare on Thursday and back to Lisburn on Saturday until dinner time on Tuesday.Aidan.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Aiden, I wonder will we pass by in the street when you are in Lisburn? We wouldn't know each other if we did. Tomorrow I will be having my colour done (hair colour) although I will be up at Kellys later for the plums. I meant to say Kellys today and not Kells.

Have a great time when you're here. I do hope the weather is good.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann, the local herrings should be in there prime right now God I would love about 3 on a plate just fried simple coated in porridge oats and a farl of good soda bread if it was to be found, wish it were Tuesday !

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ted, I've never tried herrings the way you suggest. They sound delicious. Will maybe give that recipe a try. Accompanied by a soda farl just off the griddle and dripping with butter.!!!!!!!!! Simple food can be just as tasty as something more exotic.

I've just had oven chips with a fried egg and sweetcorn plus garden peas. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Dominic had a huge piece of frying steak with his.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Hope to try some potted herrings tomorrow at the market, will be in Wetherspoons at 13,30h afterwards maybe will meet some forumers. Met an old Lisburnian in Hagues last night, Paddy Tagart who sang over 50 years ago in the Big Hall etc

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Hi Donald,

Have a great time "at home". I remember Paddy Taggart singing, I beat him in a competition at the Legion one time. Paddy had a far better voice than me, but all my team mates and girl friends were in the audience, so, I got the vote. Also his sister Maureen married my uncle Sam, she was a very nice person. My mother used to say Maureen was wasted on that fellow, I didn't know him very well. I do know Maureen used to visit my mother very often when she came home from England.


Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ach, Donald. I only just looked in now and see you're in Lisburn today. If I had known earlier, I would have gone up to Wetherspoons to see you. However, I have other arrangement today so unfortunately I won't be there. Pity. Have a good break at home.

I read that work may be commencing soon on the Hilden Mill site. I believe there's talk of a village being created there, with shops and all the rest. Near time, as they say here.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann and Donald, I was offline until 6.30 on Tuesday. My wife nipped over to the market while I looked after my Three year old grandson in the car parked in Barrack Street. I took a photo of an old chimney breast in Barrack Street, it was the house that my wife's aunt Anne lived in. Sorry I didn't meet up with you Donald and Ann but I did get the potted herrings for the first time in about twenty eight years.Aidan.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Aiden, hope you had a good few days here. I don't think I was at the market last Tuesday. Isn't it terrible that I can't remember for sure? I don't often visit the market now as I find that there's so much to do at home and I just can't spare the time. That, or I'm very badly organised. Probably the latter.

This morning I made 3 kilner jars of plum jam. These are the kinds of things that keep me busy. I think I need my head examined. Used to be I had to get into town at least twice a week or I would have had withdrawal symptoms.

I wonder is it anything to do with the dreaded "age"?

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann, it was only yesterday that I bought the potted herrings. Then in the afternoon caught the flight back here. Sitting in the garden now, chillaxing. Aidan.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

I was not impressed with the small selection of potted herrings in the market. Pre packed and very pale. Apparently they must use white vinegar instead of browm. At first I thought they were Bismarck herrings. What is missing in Lisburn is a fish shop similar to Elmores in the 50s
getting ready for the Vaterland now and a few litres of the quare stuff

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Aiden, my muckstake.

Did you have a good time when you were here?

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Donald, never mind the colour, did the herrings taste nice? When I visit the market, I buy from one particular fishmonger. I always find his potted herrings lovely. Haven't bought any this year yet.

Which particular quare stuff did you buy? Bushmills or Jameson's? Dominic likes a "wee Jamie" now and again.

Have a good flight back. Really sorry I missed you.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann, great time at the wedding. Good to catch up with friends and family from all over this shrinking world we live in. Aidan.

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Ann replied to your message but was unable to post it as a spam message came up
will try later

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

by quare stuff I meant Augustiner Beer, best in the world for me.What Lisburn is missing is a good fish shop such as Elmores in the 50s, / 60s. Would love a holiday where you could eat all types of fish and not too expensive. Will keep a look out in the internet offers and maybe be lucky

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Donald I once read that Portugal had recipes for Cod alone both fresh and salted for 52 weeks of the year and I know that fish makes up a big part of there diet and hope to sample some of there fare in the near future and probably report back, Of course there sardines stand alone, Also regarding Beer Donald this last couple of weeks in Lidls they have been stocking a Polish beer called TYSKE and I personally would recommend it and I was wondering had you had a sip of it yourself ? Regards Ted

Re: Herrings half a crown a dozen

Haven´t tried it but the Poles brew also a good drap of beer as do the Czechs and Austrians. Nothing to beat the Vaterland though

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