Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Christmas Crisis

My mother died near Christmas. My young brother Jim too.
Last night, on Facebook, I learned that my sister Linda and her husband were knocked down as they crossed the road on foot. I am told their injuries are extremely serious. Linda has a fractured skull, and hubby Gordy's injuries are more serious.
Here in England, my wife continues visiting her GP for hypertension and other issues, an osteopath for back and hip problems, andd infrequently, a post cancer check. My young granddaughter is on crutches after falling and cutting her knee. Me? Did anyone mention stress?

Re: Christmas Crisis

Sorry to hear about your relations
it never rains but it pours

Re: Christmas Crisis

Donald, I'm in the weird position of only contacting Irish rekatives bt=y internet, which I do not entirely trust. i see no news of the accident in the Star,

Re: Christmas Crisis


Sorry to hear of sister's &her husband's accident, hope they will recover well.

Funny how some families have things happen at a certain time of year. With us it is Hallow'een, moving house a few times then, hearing bed news etc. Maybe that is why I never celebrate Hallow'een

I love all about Christmas but Joe hates it. Opposite must attract right enough.


Re: Christmas Crisis

Dabbler the On-line Star is a day or two behind maybe that is why.

Re: Christmas Crisis

Dabbler, I only just heard about the accident at Hill Street. Apparently two pedestrians were knocked down. I'm sorry to hear they were Linda and her husband. I really hope she recovers.

I only know Linda to speak to, as they say here, but I know she is a nice girl.

If I hear any more news about the accident, I will let you know.

Re: Christmas Crisis


Re: Christmas Crisis


I am so sorry to hear all your bad news, I can only hope for the best for all concerned. I know you are not a believer, however I will keep Linda,Gordy and your good wife in my prayers.


Re: Christmas Crisis

Dabbler sorry to hear of the accident to you friends hope they get well soon

Re: Christmas Crisis

Dabbler, so sorry to hear the bad news. I hav'nt seen Linda for years but I hope her and her husband make a full recovery. Aidan.

Re: Christmas Crisis

Dear Forum Contributors
In fairy tales, and in perfect families, everyone lives happily ever after.
That I am not in contact, even by phone, with my Irish family, shows this is no fairy tale.
Ny niece has told me, on internet, that my sister had surgery, and is in a normal hospital ward, and that her husband, though not on life-support, requires special attention.
I am sufficiently sensitive to know that you all have your own crosses to bear, so it is heartwarming that you trouble to 'listen' to my wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Thanks again.

Re: Christmas Crisis
this was in the Star just now

Re: Christmas Crisis

Thanks, Donald.