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"I'm ready for Antrim" as the expression here used to go. And I am, after wasting most of the morning trying to place an order with Debenhams.

It sounds so easy. "Order by internet and avoid the crowds". "No more getting jostled" "No more queues". "Great", I thought to myself. "I'll do a bit more shopping online." Remember how successful I was in ordering Rachel's mug last week.

I only wanted to order some men's toiletries for my grandson so what could be easier. I chose the products ok and put them in the shopping trolley. I got to the checkout fine, BUT then I tried to use my Debenhams Gift Card for part payment, which is perfectly acceptable. That's when the trouble started.

All I could get was, "Incorrect User Name", followed by "Incorrect Password". I tried and tried without success. Then I gave up.

After lunch I thought I would try again. Wasted another good hour going over the same thing without success.

Eventually I rang the Belfast store. The girl who answered the phone said she could take an order by phone but it would cost £5 for one item to be delivered. Not worth it for one item. SO, and Dominic doesn't know this yet, some time this week we will have to pay a visit to Debenham's again. My beauty club bonus runs out any day and I have amassed £15. I actually have accumulated over £50 in money but I can only use £15 each month.


Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

The difficulty in ordering goods is definitely to do with the beauty club card.

Just a few minutes ago I ordered something online and it went through without a hitch. I didn't need a password or an e mail address, so therein lies the trouble.

Tomorrow, first thing, it's off to Debenham's.

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Having my morning cup of tea before showering and getting dressed. After that we walk the dogs, come home and make breakfast. Today we head for Debenhams and I can tell you it will be in and out of the store as fast as possible if Dominic has his way. He will, too, because otherwise he wouldn't be worth shopping with. I think I've seen all his sour faces by now, but you never know. There could be one he has up his sleeve. I'm nearly immune anyhow.

I might use a few tactics to catch him unawares so that I can have a wee juke round the clothes without him realising until it's too late.

Wish me luck.

WOMEN - could you be up to them?

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

ah christmas an women Ann,sure they would drive you nuts

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!


I have a great deal of empathy with Dominic.

At least in a boxing match there is a third party who can step in and prevent a man taking any further punishment...

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Well, we got down to Debenham's and back and I was able to use my £15 coupon for a Christmas gift for my grandson. However, with me, nothing is simple.

When I reached the counter for men's toiletries, and after browsing round the various brands, I looked around for an assistant. No-one was in sight, so I went over to another counter and asked if anyone could help. The assistant there told me that the counter I was at wasn't in her remit. I asked what I could do. She apologised but said she didn't know. At this stage I was becoming agitated. I advised her I was a customer, and irrespective if it was her counter or not, she was obliged to find me someone. (I wasn't quite Leamington but Dominic did touch my elbow lest I got carried away). The assistant then pointed to a door which had a sign saying "Engaged". She said that the assistant must be in behind the door "doing someone's face up." I once again emphasised that whatever was happening beind the door, I was only interested in purchasing toiletries. She told told me it wasn't her fault. I agreed and did feel some sympathy towards her. She looked at the locked door and I knew she wasn't going to approach it.

At this stage, I took matters into my own hands. I went over to the sacred door and gave it a good thumping. After a few seconds the door opened a fraction. I could see an assistant's nose. I took the opportunity and said I wanted some service. She said she was with someone; I said I didn't care, that I was a customer and needed attending. She finally did come out from behind the door and did indeed help me buy the product.

I haven't written to complain but I will do. Imagine in the middle of the Christmas rush, a counter left unattended and no-one available in the short-term to serve. In case you wonder why I didn't buy another product, this was because I knew this was the one my grandson used.

I did buy myself a pencil skirt which was well reduced but that isn't what I call a big deal.

Must get on as one of my sons has arrived saying he is starving.

Who'd be a woman, eh?

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Nobody's interested. Another dud posting.

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Good for you Ann, I think you should have stud at the empty and shouted "is anyone serving on here". If you had shoved it in your bag staff would have soon coming running after you.

I am afraid I can no longer put up with busy shops and especially screaming kids. I just have to leave the shop without my shopping, I blame my trigeminal neuralgia, it makes me a grumpy old woman

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

I sympathise Ann! It can be very frustrating trying to buy online - a lot of online shops are designed by marketing departments, not real humans!

Here's shop in Coleraine I do some work with - we're trying real hard to keep it personal and simple. The owner, Stephen, is a true gentleman, very funny and helpful. They sell mostly Barbour jackets and the like. You might enjoy some of the photos - he shoots real people wearing his coats in the shop! Even dogs :-)

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

lt boils down to
vanity is my opinion
be satisified with what you have got

Re: Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Darryl, thanks for that. Dominic and my son Gregory both have Barbour jackets and have had them for years. They're the best, especially for fishing. I know they bought them in a fishing shop in Banbridge where they would still buy various items.

From what they say, the fishing was very poor this year.

Not a lotta people know that.