Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Blank Week

What a week this has been??, in and out of bed with the Flu,bad cold,who knows, All I know is that for several days i was out of it, then Joy came down as well hopefully it is behind us now as we are even starting to eat again???.
Beaon did I hear you on Radio Station 740 today talking about wearing crash helmets on bikes,if not it sure as hell sounded like you. Mauri

Re: Blank Week

Hi Mauri,

While 740am is my favourite station, it was not me talking.
We hope you and Joy continue to get well, best wishes to you both.


Re: Blank Week


Glad to hear you are well again, did you not get the Flu injection? Here all pensioners get it every October. Hope Joy recovers soon.

The hassle of moving takes it out of you, take things easy for a while, relax & recover your strength. Plenty of good food & fresh air. A bottle of stout with your dinner used to be the old recipe.


Re: Blank Week

Pat & Beano, Thanks for your good Wishes. No with moving etc we didn't get around to having the flu shots,maybe it would have made a difference maybe not, anyway both of usjust about back to normal now. Mauri.

Re: Blank Week

Mauri, glad to hear you are both over the 'flu or cold. Whatever it was couldn't have been nice just after moving home.

Dominic had a few sniffles last week, but it didn't come to anything. His appetite was completely unaffected and he wolfed everything down as usual. Apart from my father, I never saw anyone who could eat as much as Dominic (and keep so trim). I call him the "eating wolf". Just as well I enjoy cooking. Nothing puts a smile on his face like a good, big feed of mashed potatoes with all the trimmings.

Exciting, isn't it?!!!!!!!!!