Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Hilden Bend

With all tht talk from the Hilenites about the place I am surprised that nobody has ever mentioned the bad bends on the Belfast Road which were there for years before getting straightened out somewhat. I remember during the war there were all kinds of accidnets there especially in the winter and esepecially with army vehicles though I remember being in Isac Collin's groceryu van when we done the Grand Waltz but by the Grace of God we didn't hit anything. Mauri

Re: Hilden Bend


When you wrote that were you drunk or did you just miss a few keys!!!
Say Hi to Joy from us, we hope she is feeling better now you have moved.


Re: Hilden Bend

Do any of you non-Hildenites remember the tunnel at Hilden; the railway bridge at Hilden Halt with the tunnel underneath. The tunnel is still there, just the same as ever. The thing I notice is that most outsiders do not sound their horn on approaching the tunnel. We original Low Road and Hilden people DO sound our horns, as this was what we were used to.

Mauri, I remember the bad bend at Hilden. The bus had to drive right round the bend to reach the bus stop. I travelled from Belfast in the bus until I married, so I recall it well. Rain, hail or snow I walked that road on my way home from my work in The Irish News office, round the bad bend and then down the steep hill to the tunnel. After the tunnel, up the road past the EMB Hall and then on up past Billy Long's house until I reached the wee white houses. I was nearly home then, just up another hill into Huguenot Drive. I might add that this walking was all carried out in stiletto heels. Wouldn't have been seen dead in anything else.

"The leaves of brown came tumbling down
That September in the rain."

Told you all before - a lovely Moonlight Saunter.

Re: Hilden Bendte

Mauri & all,

I remember a very bad accident one frosty night at Hilden Bend, which is now straightened, I believe. Some people were killed that night & many cars skidded there in Winter.

It was a dangerous bend. I always leant to the left, in the bus, going round it. The tunnel was another tricky bend in a car, but as Ann says, the residents always sounded the car horn coming near to it.

Old habits die hard, as we still do, a dead giveaway. Pat

Re: Hilden Bend

Ann / Pat
The tunnel brings back memories, the path leading down to it from the "Broad Road " was a tarmac slippery ( in winter deadly ) slope before in the 50s it was renovated and steps were built. Miss Skanell who walked daily from Llewellyn Ave. to Hilden school one winter slipped and had a very complicated fracture. She was off school for months, that was also in the late 50s. Charlie Dougherty slept in that small fenced off corner after he was forbidden to sleep in the"buildings". Unthinkable today that a WW1 veteran who was blinded by gas in the trenches had to exist in such a primitive situation. There were two "bends "there before the Council straightened the road, If I remember correctly one of the curves is still there and also an entrance leading up to Ewarts mansion which was later occupied by the UDR. An ex soldier called McCaugherty lived in the gate house there, his son Jim went to Hilden school with me and your late brother Joseph. I think a house was built somewhere there later. A few yards heading towards Lisburn was a Manse from Lambeg Church which was occupied by a very well liked Minister Rev. Power???. If Lowroader still looks in he would know if this is correct. He was moved abroad and the house stood empty for years until a Tool Company took it over. Next door the first American style Diner = little Chef opened. I think a lady from Tullynacross was the cook and manageress.

Re: Hilden Bend

Not drunk Beano, just as usual typing too fast and not checking the end result. Joy says Hi to you and Doreen and thank yu for your good wishes. Mauri

Re: Hilden Bend

There is still a sweeping bend at Hilden. In fact, we drove round it this morning. (told you we were "round the bend)". There may have been two bends at one time and I sort of remember them, but just the one remains.

Re Email sent !

Hi Ann

I have sent you an email , a few weeks ago ?


Re: Re Email sent !

Tommy, I hope I didn't delete your e mail by accident. I have a habit of quickly scanning my e mails (too quickly perhaps) and if I'm not familiar with the name I delete the lot.

I'll check and let you know.