Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Cataract Surgery

Thanks Pat & Ann.

Oline had both eyes done over a month ago and now has 20/20 vision.
Now I cannot get away with anything.!!!!

I had my left eye done a month ago and now have 20/40 vision in it.
I have Glaucoma in both eyes so sight will not get any better.

Yesterday I had Surgery on my right eye but it is too soon to tell the results'
I will be happy if it turns out as good as left eye.
As before SURGERY I only had 50% Vision.

Hopefully can get rid of the seeing eye dog. BUT NOT THE WIFE.!!!!!!!!

His Lordship

Re: Cataract Surgery

John, Glad to hear that Oline"s eyesight has been so much improved. I am scheduled to have mine done in January, beats me while we have to wait so long if I went down to Buffalo could have them done within 24 hours. Mauri

Re: Cataract Surgery

Not to be outdone, I have to attend hospital next week about my eyes. I have been diagnosed with Macular Degenerative Eye Disease. I also have cataracts. Affects my reading and sight now.

After my last visit to the optician, she referred me to the Ophthalmologist. I'm looking forward to getting something done. You get used to these conditions because they are slow onset, but I'm sure if I had these cataracts removed I would see much more clearly.

The MDED is usually hereditary and nothing can be done about it.


Re: Cataract Surgery


As Nelson said "I see no ships..."

Re: Cataract Surgery


As Nelson said "I see no ships...

Hildenboy / Dabbler
Was it Tommy Lewis who completed that with, "only hardships"?

Re: Cataract Surgery

Hi Ann,

A very close friend mine suffers from Macular Degeneration and he requires an injection...... right in his eye ball. Ed Toner is his name he is 75, I guess there are a lot of variations with this problem. Personally I don't like anyone working with my eyes never mind a needle stuck right in there.


Re: Cataract Surgery

Beano, your friend must have the wet condition of the Macular DED. That's the reason he has to have the injections in his eyeball. He's not eligible for cataract removal as it would do no good.

I, fortunately, have the dry. It means I am eligible to have the cataracts removed. I'll know better after next week.

Re: Cataract Surgery


Great to hear Oline's eyesight is now 20/20. All the better to keep an eye on you! Hope you are on the mend too.
