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The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

The £1.50 Aldi shampoo that is head and shoulders over its £130 rival
Finally, I tried Aldi’s Carino Provive range. At £1.50 for the shampoo and conditioner, it’s literally small change compared to the Philip B.

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Read this on Daily Mail on-line just now.
On your bike and down to Aldi

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Will certaintly try it as my present one costs E12.50.& no conditioner. Conditioner costs nearly as much & lasts about 8 treatments.


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Shampoo! What I need is a good scalp cleanser and polisher...

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Most of my toilet articles I buy either in Lidl or Aldi. I mentioned it here before when on holiday in Turkey we met a young couple from Germany also . Her mother was a skin doctor who told her the best body lotion to use was the cheap ones from either mixed with 50% cheap olive oil. It is supposedly better than those costing €50 and more. I use nothing else , maybe that is why my body is so tantalising and desirable. When we fly to norniron we buy our shower gels, body lotions and shaving cream in Lidl , it saves us taking them with us.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Nivver mind all them expensive perfumes - I'm hopin' Santa goes to Aldi for his shopping.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Aldi and Lidl do it again, Today´s Mail

Best mince pies? Forget Fortnum's, opt for Aldi: Budget store comes out on top against luxury versions costing eight times more

Survey organised by Which? found filling was ‘lush, spicy and juicy’
Aldi’s Specially Selected 6 Luxury Mince Pies at just £1.69
Second place went to Lidl Snowy Lodge 6 Luxury Mince Pies - £1.79 for six

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


I often pop into Aldi and Lidl as I like to browse their "special offers" on tools I don't recognise and other bargains. I was tempted the other day to purchase a portable generator and some welding equipment until snapped back to reality by my better half asking when was the last time we suffered a black out or needed to weld anything. I mumbled something about under capacity on the national grid but deflated I had to settle for a pair of gauntlets and an axe.

As Marie Antoinette might have said "let them eat mince pies..."

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

I, like yourself cannot go into a store without buying tools. Some time ago I lost the chuck key for my portable drill and went to buy another,. The chuck key cost €6,99 and in the same aisle was a drill complete with chuck key and a spare set of carbon brushes for €7,99!!!.
Off course I bought the new drill now I have it at home waiting for the old one to pack up.

here is another Mail on-line comment about women's cosmetics costing 70% more than men, is it possible that God made us men more beautiful and we do not need such expensive treatment or can it be that women spare nothing to make themselves more desirable and beautiful for us?

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Donald Where I live here we are all 'penionistas' or OAP. Most of the women here are now widowed or divorced and live alone. I have come to the conclusion that the women here do not enhance themselves to please the men around here but rather to Displease the other women whom they see as opposition!

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


I like that word "pensioista" I may start using it in shops this Christmas.

Cosmetic products, which go back to Egyptian times and beyond, fill several isles in any supermarket you care to venture into. How any individual can survive being waxed, plucked, moisturised, dyed, bleached and sprayed is beyond me...

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

As your friend Heino can confirm in the Vaterland they are known as Rentner, Pensionist is a retired Civil Servant some of whom consider themselves a little higher than normal people
By the way if you are talking to your brother Fraser tell him my uncle Tommy Watters died at the weekend, it´s possible they knew each other . He was born at Lisnatrunk, moved to Hilden and later to Du Pont Derry. He also practised the honourable profession of a fitter, firstly in Coombe Barbour and later in Stewarts mill

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Sorry to hear about your uncle.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Sympathies on the death of your uncle.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Donald, sorry to hear about your uncle.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Aldene, you may well be right. However, I must say I buy things to please myself. Whether it's clothes or perfume or make-up, I buy for me. Well, unless someone else buys me as well.

Dominic will never take the chance of purchasing anything for me as he says I'm too hard to please. He's absolutely correct. Not sure if it's a good thing or not but I cannot say I like something if I don't.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Donald, Sorry to hear about your Uncle, I will tell Fraser. I am sure he may remember him, he remembers people from Lisburn that I don't and he has been in Canada since 1966! Sometimes I catch him on Skype and he goes over everybody, all his old buddies from Lisburn. Regards

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Condolences on the death of your uncle Tommy.

Was that the fitter who worked in the Mechanic Shop, in Hilden & married a fair-haired girl ....for the life of me I can't remember her name but see her face plainly.? Did they live for a while in Grand St. nearly opposite Grannies'.? I seem to remember them moving to Derry.

Was he Kathleen & Nellie's younger brother.? These Senior moments of forgetting names is a nuisance & tortures me until I find the answer.


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Just had a flash of recollectiion... Muriel Bradley was her name.

That's the way it works, suddenly remember things after the event - the old brain computer is slowing down....

Joe remember her brother but not the name......? But then, he is older than me!!!!!!! Was it Arthur?

Pat [ [

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Our condolences on the death of your uncle Tommy, I might have met him a couple of times along with Mr.Roberts, the one with the one arm. They were both on the gate at the Hilden F.C.ground.I knew Mr.Roberts well,he was an old boy of the C.L.B., he introduced me to your uncle.


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

It was Ronnie who married Muriel Bradley, he was also a fitter and worked all his life in Hilden mill, her brother who died very young, was a hairdresser called Patsy, an acquaintance of Dabbler. Tommy married a girl from Sion Mills whom he met when erecting machinery there for Coombe Barbour.He later worked in Stewarts mill in Antrim St. and eventually moved to Derry in the 60s to work for Du Pont
When I was a child I still remember them both coming home from work and their overalls smelt of oil, that is possible why I always wanted to serve an apprenticeship as a fitter since childhood. I was just thinking some time ago after reading an article in the Tele, in our youth we served an apprenticeship at a trade, today it is known as "studying".
Is it possible you are confusing my uncle Tommy Watters with my mother´s brother Tommy Mateer ( Bobby´s brother) or perhaps a son of John Watters from Leamington as I never remember him being active in the Hilden RC Club?

Thank you all for your condolences

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Hi Donald,

I don't remember now exactly what his name was, that was over 60yrs ago,however, I do think the name was Watters, the memory wanes.


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

beano in reply to your enquiry about my late uncle tommy he was indeed a member of cricket club in lowroad. I remember it well because he used to co-erce me to operate scoreboard during matches. a job I hated doing but I got paid 2 shillings so I did it.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Donald, My sincere condolences on the death of your uncle. Mauri

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo


Thank you for that reply, I began to think I was losing it, I have a fairly good memory, so thank you for setting it right.


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

My "know all" brother has put me right again, I stand humble, corrected and penitent. That is something I never knew but thinking back his friend Kirkwood , also from Hilden who was best man at his wedding was a member.

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Hildenboy, Glad you like the name Pensionista, it is used all the time here when form filling in etc but when events such as Coach Trips, Theatre tickets etc are advertised there is always a lower price for 'Jubilados' ie OAP! But - you must remember to ask for Jubilado price or you will be charged full whack even if you look like you are 100!

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Hi Aldene,

Talking about an age thing, I was cashing out a case of beer the other day and I was asked for I.D.,I will be 77 on Jan.4th D.V. I certainly do not look any younger... I must admit I enjoyed being asked, if only for a minute. My wife Doreen has a way of bringing me back to reality, I am sure you can guess what she said.


Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Aul Ejit perhaps? Herself says to me " Catch yirself on"!

Re: The £1.50 Aldi shampoo

Hi Donald,

Doreen's retort was....." Catch yourself on"!!!!
