Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Mr. Ray Willis

Hi Et All.

To hear of the passing of Mr. Ray Willis who was a great and
wonderful teacher at Lisburn Tech.
Mr Willis taught me woodworking skills in the middle 1940s.
I had always great respect for this man. He had a lot of patience
for some of us COUNTRY GAUKERS with two left hands. He would spend time explaining how it should be done. Things like Dovetail Joints

I recall [Ray] Mr Willis riding out to Carnreagh Hillsborough on his
Raleigh 3 speed bicycle to visit with us.
I was Planting Spuds with the tractor and 2 row planter at a neighbours farm by the name of Kerr. Mr Willis watched with interest at the operation and when finished he came to our home and had supper with our family.

Mr Willis came to Canada probably in the 1070s. He made his new home in St John New Brunswick.
May this great man and teacher of Woodworking and Metalworking skills.

Rest in Peace

John Dunlop

Re: Mr. Ray Willis

Hi et all,

Sorry for the mistake in the YEAR.

It should have read 1970s

Even I can make mistakes.!!!!!!

The LORD Himself.

Re: Mr. Ray Willis

Lord Downshire, I was just about to pull you up on the date. You got there before me. How's things?

Re: Mr. Ray Willis

Lord Downshire,

Glad to see you back online, say hello to Oline for me, hope you are both keeping well & in good health. Often look at the photos of the day we all met in Brampton.


Re: Mr. Ray Willis

I recall Mr Willis at Lisburn tech and had the pleasure of being taught metalwork and woodwork by him. Not very good at very much in those days I recall his assessment of my attempt at a dovetail joint. "Did you do this yourself," he said setting me up with a gentle verbal left jab, then the flashing right, " or did a rat gnaw it out for you"...leaving me seeing stars.

However I recall him with some affection. May he rest in peace.