Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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750,000 pounds of public money has been spent investigating the "plebgate affair." Now police officers have been recalled by outraged MPs on the Home Affairs select committee accused of giving misleading evidence to them. Pot calling the kettle black? Politicians make a career by misleading the public, the press, each other, expense details and often their own families. Hell hath no fury like a politician exposed.

On economic grounds the money would be better spent on hunting down old Nazi war criminals...

Re: Plebgate

Or ANY murders by ANY organisation?

Re: Plebgate

Excluding of course the boy Scouts, Brownies and the lisburn Boxing club...

Re: Plebgate

Huildenboy, For us ignorant exiles, but what is the Plebgate affair,sounds very mysterious or something.???? Mauri

Re: Plebgate


Glad you asked that question as I don't know either, no interest in politics.

Joe calls all politicans "Gangsters in pinstriped suits."

With the recent Budget cutbacks on most of the elderly here losing almost of their allowances, such as heating, phone & electricity & no cost of living increase, axing of free Medical & Prescription charges, etc, I agree with him.

I really blame the fools who voted them into Government. Do
people never learn from the past.?


Re: Plebgate

Pat, I couldn't agree more, we have a scandal going on here where three senators from the unelectded senate were caught putting in fraudlent exense claims to the tune of thousands of dollars on top of their $140,000 salary, these guys are political sucks from all walks of life who are appointed not elected by whatever party is in power, there are some moves on foot to abolish the Senate but this could take years if at all. Mauri

Re: Plebgate

If you want to know real corruption you should try living here in Spain. I doubt very much if there is one politician who is not corrupt. The (now former) Mayor of the town I live in is now serving 3 years in jail for embezzling thousands of Euros (too much to go into) Many mayors of other towns are exactly the same, one was actually shot dead! The present King and especially his daughter Infantina Christina are up to their necks in skulduggery. No wonder our taxes are so high and Spain is in a financial mess. But despite all this, I do enjoy the beautiful weather and the Spanish way of life!

Re: Plebgate


Plebgate: A British cabinet minister tires to ride his bike through the main gates in Downing Street. Police ask him to dismount and use a side entrance. He flies into a rage and hurls a volley of abuse at officers (accepted by all parties) and then allegedly calls the officers plebs (he denies this). He resigns subsequently then evidence emerges that police may have "invented" a witness to support their version of events. Cabinet minister meets with three investigating officers and secretly tapes the interview. During the interview he carefully gives a partial explanation of events at the gate. Investigating police officers subsequently tell press that he did not give a (full) account. Cabinet minister leaks the secret tape and officers are accused of misleading, the press, the public, the home affairs committee and God. Much hand ringing and chest beating by politicians about integrity etc. Cops may loose their jobs and pensions. The focus in now switched from the swearing politician to the "dishonest" police force.

Re: Plebgate

Hildenboy; good explanation, though you appear to think that PC Plod could not possibly be dishonest.
I like the earlier scout and guides humour. lol
Overall, as you say, a waste of money.

Re: Plebgate


There have always been bent cops (ergo the Birmingham Six) but I would trust one of the boys in blue before any Cabinet Minister. As the old 1960's car bumper sticker used to say "If you don't like the police the next time you are in trouble call a hippie."

Re: Plebgate

Hildenboy, We have jusst had a similiar occurance in our town at one of the Local Malls,the police were called because of a rowdy guy,one officer when the guy mouthed off at him beat him severly then altered his notes accusing the rowdy guy of assaulting him etc, the only trouble was the surveilance cameras in and outside the Mall recorded everthing and showed the Officer was lying and that he was the guilty one, he has since been tried and sentenced to one year in gaol but is presently out on appeal. Myself I am a 100% supporter of the police, my son-in-law is a sergeant in Toronto Police and some of the stories he tells me would curl your hair???. Mauri

Re: Plebgate



Glad you asked that question as I don't know either, no interest in politics.

Joe calls all politicans "Gangsters in pinstriped suits."

With the recent Budget cutbacks on most of the elderly here losing almost of their allowances, such as heating, phone & electricity & no cost of living increase, axing of free Medical & Prescription charges, etc, I agree with him.

I really blame the fools who voted them into Government. Do

people never learn from the past.?

Joe is right half of them should be shot thieving BSSSSSSSSSSSS THE LOT OF THEM


Re: Plebgate

I agree with both Hildenboy and Mauri - shows we are all human. Mind you, I'm not sure that Barney would agree.