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Corken family search

just digging for Corken connections or ancestral roots, I'm from Iowa (middle of the USA).
Ancestor Robert Corken came to the American colonies in about 1775 as an indentured servant, probably about 13 years of age. The Corken name seems to be from Antrim and so I thought I'd give a shout out.

Re: Corken family search

Julian, Looks like you may wait a long time for a reply so though I live in Canada I am orignaly from Lisburn so thought I would jump in. The Lisburn area had numerous families called Corkin. there were Corkins who had a pub,there was a Leslie Corkin conductor of the local silver band. there was Corkins the Men's tailor in fact too many to name. Antrim is a county and I am sure there are a lot more scattered throughout the that area. What are you really trying to find ???. Mauri

Re: Corken family search

I should have added there is also a town called Antrim which I'm sure you are aware of. M

Re: Corken family search

I am going to bed shortly, but must just say that Mauri amuses me by calling the poster Julian.

Re: Corken family search

I'm looking for anyone who has access to ancestry records with a male Corken/Corkin ancestor born 1762 (give or take a year, possibly in April) named Robert. Robert immigrated to the American colonies as a youth.

Just a stab in the dark, we've found no siblings or parents on this side of the ocean and his origins are a mystery. He was an indentured servant, eventually married into the family he worked for.

Re: Corken family search

Good point. The references to Corken/in in the town of Antrim are "John" - the references in Lisburn are "Tommy" - since there are a lot of Thomas Corkens in my line, I'm leaning toward Lisburn. Robert, Thomas & James (and a Samuel) seem to be preferred names.

Re: Corken family search

I take back the 1775. That's when the family he worked for came. I think he came a few years later.

Re: Corken family search

Julie, Why don't you try one of the numerous agencies that track ancestory.

Dabbler I got it right this time, just a senior moment before in a rush as always????> Mauri

Re: Corken family search

Good thought, I've done a bit of that. I'm waiting on a looser personal schedule to do the ones you have to pay for. I started lookin in 1999, and some of my old posts are still hanging around. I've found several relatives on this side of the Atlantic who are doing the same searches.
Maybe there are some services in Ireland I'm not aware of. I've done the free parts of here, and Roots and a couple of others - plus checking the Mormon records, they are quite thorough. I also need to cast about through the Isle of Mann, which may have had some Corkens.
I found a family of Corkens in Bangor, very dear people, who simply have no back story. When I was in Ireland I visited them.

Re: Corken family search

What is a silver band?

Re: Corken family search

Julie, The silver band is the local "Marching Band" only more sedate than its counterparts in the USA. Mauri

Re: Corken family search

I researching Corkin/Corken from around the Lisburn area (my grandma was an Agnes Corken, borm Lambeg, County Down.) Her mum and dad moved to Comber, County Down and ran the local coal delivery service in the town. However the family I believe originated from around Derriaghy, County Antrim. I have a copy of the will produced by my grandma's dad's half brother (naming him as executor and stating that his farm in Derriagy was only to be sold to another with the same surname.
The earlier Corkin I have come across are born abt. 1780, I have a Philip Corkin who married a Lucy in 1802,they married in Derriagy C of I, he died in 1836 and is also buried in the church graveyard.
A John Corkin (possibly a brother) was vicar of Aghalee C of I and married a Maria Cupples ( I think she was the sister of Rev. William Cupples vicar of Derriaghy C of I)
The children from this branch of the family tended to have firstnames of a biblical nature i.e. Francis, Michael,John, Joshua, Moses, Thomas, Joseph.
However I believe there to be other Corkin/Corken families in the region who were not as religious. I think I've found a Thomas from Lambeg, County Down who enlisted in the British area (like a great many of his kin) and despite being court martialed and given dozens of lashes for desertion, according to the army records spent 15 years of his army life in Australia and New Zealand.
The half brother I spoke of earlier spent a majority of his life in the British Army in India and South Africa.
If you think I can help further please get in touch.

tom watson

Re: Corken family search


I know two Corkin or Corken families from Lisburn. One was a director of Menary's Draper Shop, in town. Now deceased, his name was Jim Corkin and the Corkin family were well known church-going people who lived in Grove Street in the Low Road. One of his daughters now lives in the U.K. and the other in Greencastle, outside Belfast. One is called Dorothy and the other, Joan. Both are married but I don't know their married names. He had a son Jim who died a few years ago too. The family grave is in Lambeg Churchyard. They were neighbours of ours.

The other family were Corken from Leamington Place Low Road & formerly of Brookvale Drive, Lisburn. There was a large family most of whom still live around Lisburn, I believe. The Father was a sea-going man whose family are still in Lisburn. One of the boys is named Tommy, who is a very intelligent fellow & always in the Library.

Hoe you are successful in your search. Pat

Re: Corken family search

hi Julie I am a Corken from Lisburn Co Antrim . my grandfather was one of 5 or 6 children One of whom was Robert Corken who was killed in the First World War at the Somme . He may have been named after an earlier ancestor . my father was Samuel and his brothers Robert and James The family home was on the Antrim Road in Lisburn
The Corkin family is also from Lisburn but it is a different family