Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Hi all, still waiting for the decorater to come. Hubby has the two bedrooms stripped awaiting the phone call to say he's on the way. Told us he would give us a week's notice. You know what a house is like when you have rooms stripped.

Anyway, needing to get out today, I took myself up to M&S looking for a raincoat. Beautiful fashions there, but no raincoat for me. Ran into daughter and her husband and daughter decided we should go into Lisburn to have a further look. Her husband went home. Went to the Mall, round Menarys and all their in-house fashion houses, went to my non-favourite shops - Dunnes, Primark and another one which I can't remember. Even in these, I could find no raincoat.

Did see a lovely wee silk top in M & S which I couldn't resist - bought it for Christmas. Daughter has warned me not to wear it beforehand. I won't, as then I would have to look for something else for Christmas Day. This shopping is very tiring. Feeling hungry, we bought smoked salmon and soft cheese granary sandwiches with cappuchinos. That gave me a bit of a sugar rush for a while.

Ran into some of daughter's friends with children, had several yarns with them. By this time I was feeling that I would like to go home but had to soldier on.

Home and the family are awaiting dinner. Oven chips and frozen cod plus peas tonight.

Just as I typed this, the two sons have decided they'll get Chinese food for themselves - hurrah!! They don't like to have to wait, must go into town every day.

Anyway, I know it wasn't very exciting but just thought you might be interested in my day.

Can't wait for "I'm a Celeb" tonight. There's a big fight apparently between two of the contestants. (a verbal one I'm sure).

Re: Shopping

Hi all, well, "I'm a Celeb" is starting soon so I'm away. Talk to you soon.