Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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I'm Back

Hello All

I missed you! I am back safely from bonnie Scotland, actually got back last Saturday. This week has gone quicker than any week I have ever lived before. I haven't stopped catching up. What is the point of going on holiday? Well, I suppose the point is it was just us for 10 days away, by the time we came back we were really relaxed, but then had to face the music.

Anne, you are bursting to know how RLR and SO are. Yes, we met them. All I will say is that it was like sitting in a living room in Nornirn with this lovely Lisburn couple - they even looked Irish, never mind sounding it! We could have stayed all day, and never run out of conversation! I expected to see a Winston Churchill of about 90 years old, and a bossy and highly efficient wife, all I will say is I was surprised! No doubt they were surprised when they saw us! Peebles was beautiful in glorious autumn, we were out walking nearly every day. Visited Eninburgh (my favourite city in all the world) and did all the usual, with a visit to the theatre in the evening. This time we didn't get lost trying to get out of Edinburgh, as we have done many times before. That is because of the "other woman" in the car. An Irish woman called Kathie who lives in a box and tells us all the directions. Bought for the visit. We couldn't bear to go in circles in Edinburgh any more!

Re: I'm Back

Hi Liz, Welcome back. We missed you too. I almost missed your message as I was out almost all day on Saturday. Just happened to be checking back and saw your name.

So you say he doesn't look like Winston Churchill? He's such a tease, isn't he? Glad you had a good day with LR and his SO anyhow.

Let you into a wee secret, Liz. Don't tell anyone else. Hubby and I may meet LR and SO within the next couple of months. Not in Scotland, however. Somewhere a bit warmer, I hope. Well, it's really a tryst between LR and myself but SO and hubby can accompany us as "fronts".

Tell you all the details later AND I will soon see if LR does not resemble Winston Churchill. I, on the other hand, he doesn't remember at all so if I don't like the look of him, I may just disappear.!!!!!!!

My mouse is going again, it's a cordless one and runs out of batteries very quickly. Have to get some tomorrow.

Re: I'm Back

Thanks Ann. The excitement! Great to know you too will come face to face, I hope it won't be blow to blow (just joking!) You won't be sorry. When I am on the foram I STILL have the image of him as Winston Churchill, you know how in your mind you visualise every one, and it is hard to move it even after you have met the person, and they aren't like that.

Re: Re: I'm Back

U 2, Liz & Ann,
Thank goodness I will not meet any of the Forum soon if that is the way u talk about looks etc. It is better to keep the illusion, after all it is what we are (as comes across in corresponding) rather than what we look like now that matters. OR am I only consoling myself now that the wrinkles & legacies of age show. Tell me please, how do u see me ?
P.S. Ann, Don't answer!!!!

Re: I'm Back

Pat I used to see you as a radiant woman, now I see you as a wrinkly! (Just joking) I agree it doesn't matter what a person looks like, there is something deeper more valuable.

Re: I'm Back

Liz, couldn't resist saying this re your description of Pat.

Now, if I said, Two Ton Tessie, would you know what I meant?

I may be joking OR I may not.

Whatever comes to mind.

Re: Re: I'm Back

Hi "Girls",

After your description of Low Roader and even Pat herself, I have decided to cancel any previous invitations I issued to visit us in Niagara. I would hate to spoil any illusions. I can't take the chance.


Re: I'm Back

That is a bit hard.
I had my bags all packed too.
I smell a conspiracy here.
The Kitchen Kween strikes again.

Re: I'm Back

Beano, I am not Two Ton Tessie nor is hubby like Winston Churchill.

I am a small and svelte lady of middle years. I too was ready to pack my suitcase for another visit to Niagara Falls.

AND, Beano, I AM the Kitchen Kween, so I could make you and your wife good feeds. Might drink all your wine but sure you'd be so busy enjoying my meals you'd never notice an oul bottle or two missing.

Re: Re: Re: I'm Back

Hi Beano,
U come across as a steady, humourous man. U certaintly have made a wise choice, I would hate to spoil your illusions, we will keep ours here.
Two Ton Tessie alias the former thin woman who used to eat like a horse & gained no weight after 40 I spread out like an oak tree. I am quite happy with myself until I look in the mirror & see Maeve, but I like her anyway. No other choice.

Re: Re: I'm Back

I think it's time u got those rose coloured glasses changed for the real ones. Love to hear what Low Roader has to report when he meets the other Fat Lady in Tenerife. No cheating with the loose clothes & the Magic knickers & the long cardigans & the eye catching necklines, I know all the tricks, u taught me.