Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Moanin' Minnie

Hi all, Not often you hear me complaining. However, I am cross at the moment.

Got up early, full of good intentions, was in the middle of making a fry when the doorbell went (9 am). A friend of oldest son was there, so hubby invited him in, aye, into the kitchen where I was cooking, in dressing gown, hair sticking every way, what a sight!!

Hubby shouted for oldest son to get up (he has a cold and was in bed) so down he comes. I continued with the breakfast and gave our guest a perfunctory greeting.

Next thing, youngest son appears, papers under his arm. "Oh, just in time for breakfast" he says, unravelling the papers all over the table and opening them at the sports' section.

By this time I was quietly wishing them all to go away and could feel my blood pressure rising. Anyhow, added more bacon and sausages to the grill. Made the guest a cup of coffee (he has his own coffee mug here) and he had the graciousness to go into the garden to have his cigar.

Then they all sat down at the table (I felt like the housekeeper) and had their food and great craic, except for me. I was unusually quiet. I was quietly going mad.

At least I had an excuse to visit the hairdresser's, so I gaily said farewell. When I came back, guest had gone but the kitchen is lying like a pigsty and I am very cross. Two sons are on the computer upstairs playing games (middle aged men) and hubby, with his bad knee, is out walking the dogs.

Am glad I will be out all day but just have to offload to someone so I'm afraid my Forum friends are getting it today.


I'm ready for anyone at the moment never mind Johnny Depp. Only stipulation is they must have no family or friends.

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Seems to me that you are reaping the rewards of the typicall Irish mother. Spoil the boys rotten then it's almost impossible to get rid of them. Slow down! let them cook their own meals, let them understand that you are the boss. A good swift kick in the derriere may also help.

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Just get on with it and stop moaning.
That is what you were put on this earth for.
You are lucky they allow you to cook for them.

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Ann, I seconds what Jimmy has said, next time they want a meal tell them to cook it themselves and let them know in no uncertain terms that they should clean up after as well. Easy to tell they have never had to look after themselves. Maurice

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Did you ever think of advertising the boys on e bay, they might get taken up by some nice girls, but then Ann you may not get a good Christmas Present.


Re: Moanin' Minnie

As Billys wife after reading your comments I know exactly how you feel about idle sons etc. Let me know if you find an answer to the problem as I am in a similar position. Perhaps as I am an English mother you may be able to pass on one of your Irish "spells" or advice


Re: Moanin' Minnie

Janice, if I had a spell, Irish or otherwise, I would have made the two sons disappear years ago.

Yes, I am reaping what I sowed. Unfortunately, you don't know until it's too late.

Had a lovely afternoon watching The Merry Widow - gave me so many ideas. Then we went to an Italian restaurant and had a most beautiful meal with wine.

Home now and eldest son asks what I'm making for dinner. HE MUST BE JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Moanin' Minnie

Low Roader, re your comments. I'm not saying anything just yet, but be very careful. You know and I know there could be consequences if you aren't really nice to me in the next couple of months!!!!!!!!

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Ann did you go to the Opera House to see The Merry Widow? Its really good. Number 3 son was to be in it but due to no time he had to pull out. He's heading to Derry tomorrow for 8 weeks Panto, Jack and the Beanstalk, he is in High School Musical Stranmillis Theatre 18th -24th November trave;;ing down each evening!

Re: Re: Moanin' Minnie

Janice, stop cooking with cheese!

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Hi Ann,I to am with Jimmy on this one you pamper your boy's way too much I pity their wives if they ever decide to leave you and get married.Sally.

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Sally, I'll PAY anyone to take them away from me. AND I'LL PAY WELL.

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Maggi, yes, it was The Merry Widow. That particular company is excellent. The singing is as good as you would hear from professionals. Last one we saw was Oklahoma and it was brilliant too.

What does your son do? Is he an actor or is he part-time? Let me know of the next one he is in as we go to all the musicals - well, all the musicals by that company.

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Ann he was in Oklahoma, if u have the programme he is Ande Gray, he did the lead in Little Shop of Horrors. He is Jack Scott in High School Musical starts next Sunday in Stranmillis Theatre. He is in Jack and the Beanstalk in Millenium (spelling!) Forumn Stroke City 30th November-5th January. William Caulfield (James Young) is the lead. Rachael would enjoy High School

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Maggi, my friend and I took Rachel with us to see Oklahoma. We had a box then too. She thoroughly enjoyed it, as I used to watch it with her in the house when she came round. She knew all the songs and sang happily away.

She had a glass of champagne as well.

Wonder will they ever stage South Pacific?

Re: Moanin' Minnie

Probably not.
Too much water involved.

It's all going pear shaped tonight.