Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Hi All,

This was prompted by Donalds post, I hesitated in telling this story as it sounded like something out of Father Ted.
My best friend and I were attending a funeral of a member of our Irish Club. The priest was Irish, orignally from Dundalk(I won't give a name)preached a wonderful sermon at the Cathedral. All was going well till we got to the graveyard, the weather was absolutely terrible, pouring down in buckets, for this reason the Casket(Coffin) was set slightly to one side. The Priest moved over to continue with graveside service and he fell head first into the grave, another man tried to help and in he went, it ended up there were three of them in there, all up to their "Oxter's" in mud. At the end of it all, when we retrieved the "Father" he looked at me and said, don't expect that kind of excitement at all Catholic funerals.I just burst out laughing, a bit irreverent I know, but it was just the way he came out with it. He was transfered last year to the U.S. and I hope for his sake it is a drier climate.


Re: Clergy

Hi Beano, That story reminds me of one concerning a guy I knew in the Navy,during the war he was on a ship called the "Repulse" which was sunk by theJapaneese off Malaya.he was picked up by a destroyer and returned to Singapore,however instead of mustering with the other survivors he along with another couple of guys found a local bar and attempted to get plasteed at which they were very successful. Trying to stagger back to the base he fell into a constuction trench and fell asleep there for the night. Meanwhile at the muster he was reported missing and so his next of kin were informed that he was missing believed killed in action. Our hero finally returned to base to face a charge of being absent without leave, this Character hailed from Newcastle Co Down and shall be nameless.

Re: Re: Clergy

Reminds me of a funeral in Holy Trinity when Father Mc, Auley, not noted for his humour or patience, was officiating.

Jimmy Stewart & Jimmy Bushe were the gravediggers & after the coffin was lowered in, they started to fill in the soil. Jimmy Stewart slipped & fell into the grave while Jimmy Bushe,oblivious, continued to throw shovelfuls of soil over him. Jimmy Stewart was shouting "Hey Hey there ".

Father mc Auley let a gulder out of him would have wakened the dead "Get away outa there, u clowns" he growled.

The place was in an uproar it was the most humourous funeral I was ever at, even the bereaved family had to smile.

Re: Clergy

Hi all, Heard this joke from one of our priests recently, from the pulpit.

Joe hadn't been to confession for 40 years. Finally, he decided he would attend.

In the confessional, the priest says, "Well, Joe, so you haven't been for 40 years? So, it was all wine, women and song, eh"?

Joe answers, "Not exactly Father. I can't sing."