Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Good Memory

Your memory is better than mine. Andrews was the name I could not recall, Hetti Andrews. There was another relative called Stanley Andrews that I beleive lived around Lambeg, ever know him.
The pump! all of a sudden I recall one that was close to Andrew's house, great cold drinking water, could have been the same one you used.
One place that I'm having trouble with is the Waterloo Rd, try and jog my memory on that one. Have a good trip to Dublin.

Re: Good Memory

Hi Jimmy,
They say u never forget your first home but thanks for the compliment, don't get many now. Had a terrible lazy few days in Dublin, the sedentary & City life are not for me, could'nt wait to get back to the country & privacy in the wide open spaces like it used to b at Sprucefield. Who do I remember lived on the Waterloo Road? There were 2 Rooney families, one was a farmer, had a son Wallace, who was killed on a motor bike in Dromore, a bus pulled out of the Depot as he came along. My Da's cousin Victor Clark was the pillion passenger, he survived. The other Rooney, think he was called Andy, was a tentor in Lambeg weaving factory, when I worked there at 15 before going into the Bricklaying. Then Paddy Megan lived facing Mary Ann Baileys, the wee shop, before moving to Lisburn at the start of the War. At the other end of the Waterloo Road was the Burns's,family, one daughter Dorothy was a teacher of Typing & Shorthand in the Tech later & Kathleen worked with Pat in Hilden offices before she married Herbie Rooney, who died a few years ago . The place was sold when Kathleen married, she was the last one in the house, we visited her many times & still keep in touch every Christmas with a card & a letter. Very nice people on the Road. This is all I can recall at the moment as I left there at 7 years of age,hope it brings back memories. Joe