Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Home aqgain

Hi all,
My, u have been talking since I left. I had to catch up with all the chat this morning & I really had only a few minutes to spare, that was 15 mins ago. A few new names appearing too, this Forum is popular, hats off to Jim Collins.
One drawback about holidays is when u come home there is a pile of post to sort out & reply to, washing to do, freshen up the house, is it worth the hassle......YES, as we had a great time with most of the family celebrating, going over old times, laughing at old jokes, playing old music. When Joe & I retired at midnight, my son who is a Rolling Stones fan put on his music. We fell asleep listening to the Rolling Stones "Brown Sugar". Other nights it was the hits of the 70's. Poor old Frank Sinatra & pals had'nt a look-in, the Castle certaintly was rocking the time we were there, we were getting up when the others were going to bed, no one seemed tired, must be the music. As my son said "if Mick Jagger can keep going so can we."
Ah, time changes many things, especially the ability to stay awake after a certain time & a few drinks.. but then there is the ability to sleep thro ' a Rolling Stones Concert.

Re: Home aqgain

old times, old jokes, old music - you would think you were OLD!!!!

Sounds great anyhow.

Re: Re: Home agin

No matter what we think the years r there, as granny said to the visiting exile from America when she said,
looking at Granny in her armchair in her long black clothes & crocheted shawl round her shoulders & little matching cap on her silver hair, "Mrs Mc Keown there r no old people in America"

Looking up from her armchair Granny smiled & said, "Is that so, what do they do with the old people, shoot them?"

Re: Home aqgain

Hi all, Yes, I remember that. I was actually there in my granny's house. This woman, who came from Smithfield, had come home from America for a holiday.

She came down to visit my Aunt Bella, who had been a school friend. I remember her showing off her navy blue gaberdine raincoat - gaberdine had still not reached us - and telling her that it didn't crease.

I looked on quietly, observing all, and I distinctly remember this lady saying to my granny, who was, as Pat says, sitting in the big armchair, silver-haired, black clothes and shawl round her, "Mrs. McKeown, there are no old people in America". My granny, who was very quick with a reply, answered, "What do they do, shoot them?"

She meant, of course, that no-one looked old. Same as we are here today. I mean, probably at my age, my granny considered herself an old woman, sitting at the fire and being attended to (I wish). We're still keeping up with the fashion, wearing make-up, having our hair highlighted, etc., BUT the oul body feels it. You can't bluff it. However, I wouldn't like to see my hair its natural colour now or do without make-up. Might scare my grandchildren to death.

I wonder who was the wisest, people in earlier years or us, pushing our bodies to the limit?

Re: Re: Home again

Ann & friends,
We r off again tomorrow to Dublin, as my son, his wife & daughter r Manchester United fans & r going over for the Match. We have to mind their house & dog, while we get one of the daughters & son to do the same here for us, talk about a game of draughts. We have vowed to take it easy after that, as old age is showing its fangs, with tiredness, high blood pressure when at the doctors yesterday for the flu' injection, so it's sleepy hollow for us for a few quiet days in our old house in Dublin. Wonder will they leave their computer for me???? Pat

Re: Home aqgain

Pat, what do they say about a moving target? You have a quare time of it. Canada, then a Castle, now Dublin. And I thought I was well in with the Royals.

Well, just to sicken ya, this weekend my best friend and I are off to the Grand Opera House to see "The Merry Widow". Hope it doesn't give me any ideas.

I was texting Prince Charles recently and happened to mention to him about going to the Opera House. Well, what do you think? He insisted that he pay for a BOX. Well, after all, I did entertain him and Camilla in the summer.

SO, my friend and I plus my almost 15 year old grand-daughter will be seated in a box in the Grand Opera House this Saturday. Champagne (well, sparkling wine), in a bucket of ice, chocolates and hors'douvres. Spelt that last one wrong but you know what I mean.

Seriously, though, we always book a box. It's not that much more expensive and you have your own private toilet and are treated as if you ARE Royal. It's worth it. (as the advert says).

Afterwards, we'll have a nice meal just across from the Opera House, The Red Panda, a Chinese Restaurant, or we may have an Italian meal. The world is our oyster this Saturday.

Went into Lisburn this afternoon and bought myself a couple of wee bits and pieces - you never know who we may see in the Opera House and I cannot let the side down.

Last time we were there, Julian Simmons (a UTV presenter) was in the next box and insisted that we come over and share some champagne.

Wonder will Johnny Depp be there?. Oh, I forgot, JD is out, my footballer hero is the one now.

Re: Home aqgain

Instead of going to the Chinese after why not go across to the Lido cafe facing the Opera House for a feed of tea, bread, butter, chips and beans for one and a tanner like a lot of us did as kids at Christmas 50 years ago? One of the few times we could afford a nosh up in a cafe.

Re: Home aqgain

Yes, Donald, I remember those days well. And didn't you think you were great going to the pictures and then having chips afterwards in a cafe.

We felt so sophisticated then, God help our wee wits.