Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Nature gone Haywire

Hi all, after cleaning this morning, I decided to water my winter baskets.

In the process, a large bumble bee settled on a winter pansy - nothing strange about that really but I don't remember bumble bees being about at this time of the year when I was young.

Then I noticed that my daffodils are starting to shoot through the soil - just the green stems but still.

Mentioned all this to hubby and he takes my by the arm, points out through the kitchen window to where a California rose bush is blooming again. My big red poppies are in bud AGAIN - 3rd time this year so far -and when I went round the side of the house I discovered more lovely red strawberries, even though I haven't watered them for ages. I grow them in a hanging basket so the soil was really dry.

Don't know what's happening. I'm still wearing a silky summer top as a jumper is way too warm. Hubby is watching the horses and I heard a female commentator saying that it was hot at Haydock.

I think we're heading for the new Ice Age again. Glad I'll be long gone before it happens.

Re: Nature gone Haywire

I agree with you about Nature gone Haywire, Today while out walking my dog I came across *****willows in bud, not normal for Nov.

We survived the Post Tropical storm / Hurricane without any significant damage here on PE Island. Anne had her pigtails blown about but that could be expected. The full force of the storm hit around 0800 Sunday morning, high winds and driving rain but by noon it had headed for Newfoundland and we were once again enjoying sunny skies. Nova Scotia, our Celtic neighbour did not fare as well and today they were still trying to restore power to the homes that had lost it during the storm.

It's ironic what can happen in 24 hrs. Yesterday morning driving rain and winds gusting well over 100KPH, this morning a frost,sunny skies and dead calm, not a ripple in the harbour.


Re: Nature gone Haywire

Glad you all survived the storm Jimmy.

Poor Anne's red hair must have been a sight and her so sensitive about it.

The poppies that were coming into bloom are now in full, red bloom. Also, my delphiniums are in bloom again too. (black ones).

The fireworks are going full blast here for Guy Fawks Night and my wee dog (Tess) is cowering behind the armchair. Eva is not too bothered.

It's all go.

Re: Nature gone Haywire

Hi all making a cuppa for hubby and myself and then hitting the hay.

Why was *****cat left out? Well, I added the cat bit or it would have been deleted again.

Re: Nature gone Haywire

Can't believe that a cat was deleted. That ole computer has a very bad mind.

I blame it all on the programme "Are you being Served" - you know, Mrs ? was always talking about her *****.

Re: Re: Nature gone Haywire

I don't recall them celebrating Guy Fawks Night in Lisburn, in my days it was Lundy who was paraded around town before being burned. Maybe they did both, just a lapse in my memory.

I have a Border Collie just like Tess,frightened of fireworks and thunder and when she hears either heads straight to the bathroom.


Re: Nature gone Haywire

I have a funny feeling that Lundy was paraded around the town on a different date.
Is he not connected to the Apprentice Boys?

Re: Nature gone Haywire


As I am sure you know, Thiepval Barracks is in Lisburn, they celebrate Guy Fawkes every year, so that was to-night the fireworks were spectacular, they can be seen over most of the town.

I am replying, as I think Ann has gone to bed.


Re: Re: Nature gone Haywire

Yes,they were on different dates, Guy for trying to blow up the British Parliment I beleive and as for Lundy, I'm not sure what his claim to fame was. All I remember is that it was a good excuse to stay out late and wander around town,no excuses needed when one returned home.

Re: Nature gone Haywire

He was the chap who tried to open the gates during the siege.
He failed and paid the penalty.

Re: Nature gone Haywire

Hi all, although I heard bangs going off last night, I didn't actually go into the kitchen to see the Thiepval Barracks fireworks. Do you know why? I thought they had stopped the display now that the Army families have all gone home.

Missed that imagine.

Yes, I remember the burning of Lundy (my grandmother's maiden name!!!!). I don't think they do that now, but then I wouldn't be sure of that either.

Guy Fawkes and Co tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in what year I do not know.

Sure, there were bad 'uns about then too.

Re: Nature gone Haywire
