Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Castle Gardens

Any chance of someone taking photos of renovations and posting them on the Lisburn website?

Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Robbie .
I have just taken some photos of Castle Gardens , yesterday Tuesday , and have been sent to Jim , and i am sure he will kindly enter them on the Exiles . Yesterday was a wee bit cloudy , but i am sure you will get the impression just what it going to be like when it is finished . The workmen are still hard at the renovations . And it should look well in the future, when the flowers are blooming in the summer months to come .
All the best .


Re: Castle Gardens

And the rebuilding of Hilden?

Re: Castle Gardens

Donald, do you think Tom is a miracle worker? Give him a minute, for goodness sake.

Tom, wish I had known you were at the Castle Gardens yesterday. I was in town and could have met you. You could have taken my photo.

Re: Castle Gardens

Wasn,t that called on the Lowroad " Gittin my likeness tuk? "

Re: Castle Gardens

Donald, do you think Tom is a miracle worker? Give him a minute, for goodness sake.

Tom, wish I had known you were at the Castle Gardens yesterday. I was in town and could have met you. You could have taken my photo.

With an expensive camera?
You must be joking.

Re: Castle Gardens

Listen Low Roader, just because, in your own words, you now resemble Winston Churchill, I'll have you know that some of us have aged beautifully.

Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Ann

I was in Lisburn with my wife , and she stayed in the car at carpark , facing the medical centre , and read the Daily Mail , until i came back , from my assignment . First i went to Castle Gardens , took some photos , weather was a wee bit cloudy . Met a lady who wanted to take my photo which she did , she was attending the Tec for computer class . People say when you want to make friends , get a dog , in this case it is a camera Ha Ha. Then i went over to the Tec after making arrangements and permission to take a few photos of the old section , i thought of all the past pupils on the Exiles , it might be interesting to them . Came back to the car , and my wife and i went Shopping . Greens wee cup of tea , favourite spot , then Antrim St , back to centre of Lisburn , Smyth Patterson , The museum , and back to car and home . Another lovely day in Lisburn .

Hi Katie .
Regarding Raymond Mc Leer , i have been informed that he died a few years ago. He is pictured No 3 from left on the second row of our school photograph. You were right , a lovely fellow , i was very friendly with Ray in our school days .
All the best


Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Tommy,

Sorry to hear about Ray McAleer, I always thought he was a nice lad, a gentle sort of a person, a bit shy like you, but very friendly.


Re: Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Thomas, re our missed assignation at the Castle Gardens, don't worry about your wife. I never let an oul wife or two get in the way. (for the "no-humours", this is a joke).

Anyway, I could get hubby to park next to you with the wee dogs and your wife and he could have a good yarn until we get back from down the "Ryans". No photos there though.

Re: Castle Gardens

Thomas, the photos of the Castle Gardens were up to your usually great standard. However, what about the ramparts?

I believe that organised tours are now available but hubby prefers that we go around ourselves (after all, we ARE real Lisburnites). So, some day maybe next week, we'll have a mosey about. Tell all on the Exiles afterwards.

Thanks Thomas. If I see a man with a camera, I approach him, so watch out!!!!!!!!

Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Ann , & Katie and All .
Many thanks for the kind comments Regarding Photos . I thoroughly enjoy taking them , and hope to give Exiles some enjoyment . Ann i loved the situation regarding you hubby and the dogs Ha Ha . we are like ships that pass in the night . I will be looking around Lisburn for a contented couple with two lovely wee dogs . Nothing like a good laugh and a bit of fun to keep the spirits up . How did you like Johnny Depps film , it was a wee bit hard to understand at times . I liked the ending . I suppose you dozed off .
All the best , and did you tell hubby Tight Lines .
Tommy P S Hope you have happy memories of your trips down the Ryans !

Re: Castle Gardens

Just to keep you right, I was only down the Ryan's once, coming from school as a dare, I was scared stiff, flew down and up again. (Nothing bad in those days only an innocent prank always a good girl).

Here is good advice, you just stay with Ann's hubby and let Ann and your wife take a walk down the Ryan's.(only joking) as wee Norn Ireland doooo.



Re: Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Katie,

Ray McAleer was a real nice guy, and very respected as a police sergeant in the old RUC. Ray was in Christ Church CLB. with me until he joined the force. I met him quite a few years later when he was umpiring a cricket match I was playing in,we had a great chin wag later at the ICI club. I think he was only 56 when he died, way too young.

Thank you Katie for your welcome "back"


Re: Re: Castle Gardens

Tom, I'll be looking round Lisburn for a hunk with a camera. A hunka hunka burning love. (Elvis). How do you know we look like a contented couple? I thought I might look like a glamour puss, but then again, that's going back a few years. Tut, tut!!

Next time I'm in Green's searching out for their special coleslaw or celery salad or gorgeous cheese (of course only the most fattening one) I'll have a wee juke for a man with a camera.

See you in the Coffee Dock.

Re: Castle Gardens

Hi Tom. Re the Johnny Depp film The Ninth Gate, I had actually seen it before. I DID watch half of it but then began to doze off so went to bed.

It was a brilliant film.