Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Hi all. Just lost a long message which I was in the middle of. (bad grammar).

Was just saying that this is Hallowe'en. The children are all off school and will be calling round the doors later for trick or treat. Always keep some small change handy to please them. Children really never change; love dressing up and singing at the door "Hallowe'en is coming and the goose is getting fat, etc." Of course, you have to stand and listen to each crowd that comes and then hand over some money for their wee boxes. Then they go off happy.

Was shopping in Iceland Stores in Lisburn this morning for a change. Spotted these two wee boys, about 3 and 4. Their mother was at the freezer. I bent down to them and says, "Will you be dressing up tonight?". They took to their heels and ran for their lives back to their mother. Maybe thought I was a witch or something.

Re the Cordners. I knew Gerald and Thomas, also Maureen. I didn't know that Thomas had died. When did that happen? Gerald, is, as Katie says, a quiet fellow. He married a girl called Olive Anderson. I remember she used to go ice-skating and I was so envious because I could never go.

Will have to turn the volume up on the TV this evening as the dogs are frightened of the fireworks. They sit and shake when a firework goes off.

On 5th November, Guy Fawkes' Day, the Thiepval Barracks always have a big display of fireworks which we can see beautifully from the back of our house. Again, the wee dogs hate the noise.

Don't know if Hallowe'en is celebrated in England, Scotland, etc.

Re: Hallowe'en

Hallowe'en is also celebrated here in the USA, in a very big way. The little ghosts and goblins expect lots of candy when they ring the doorbell. The costumes are becoming more and more elaborate and expensive. Usually there are no fireworks, here in the state of Pennsylvania they are illegal for public use.
I am planning to use my Grandmothers recipe for a big apple dumpling, have'nt had it since I was about 5 years old. Hope it turns out as well as hers did.

Happy spooky eve.

Re: Hallowe'en

Re Hallowe'en. Fireworks are illegal here for private use unless a licence is obtained. I agree with this (old fogey) as some older children get up to a lot of mischief and cause distress to older people especially. That's not even including animals where fireworks have been attached to cats' tails.

I think it better to have a public display of fireworks where they can be enjoyed in safety.

I made an apple tart AND an apple crumble for Hallowe'en. Greedy gorb that hubby is, the apple tart is gone so I bought another one today when shopping.

Happy Hallowe'en everyone.

I remember Hallowe'en in the Low Road when I was young. It always seemed to be foggy on Hallowe'en night and we would run up and down dressed in fancy dress, with false faces on, delighted to get nuts and apples. It always felt quite cold too whereas today I'm sitting here in a shoestring vest top and quite comfortably warm.

Times change.

Re: Hallowe'en

Bangers going off full blast, grandchildren dressed up and away round trick a treating with an uncle.

Baked a large apple tart and filled it wiht £1 coins so everyone should get one, (I hope I do).

Sweetie has already scared some children from the door, (only joking) we like Ann love the children trick a treating and calling at the door, brings back memories of our own childhood.

I dressed up couple of years ago, as the Phantom of the Opera and friends dared me to go to the door of a promient member of LISBURN I sang my heart out, the daughter of the house opened the door after I had banged for ages, asked me who I was and when I mouthed that I did'nt speak, she gave me lp, then when she found out who I was she said she was mortified not have as much as I was, thought my singing deserved a fiver a least.

Scary Katie woooooooooooo

Re: Re: Hallowe'en

Hi all, I have the TV on full blast to keep the noise of the bangers from the dogs. However, dogs having great hearing, they know what's going on.

I had wee Tess on my knee stroking her and next minute she took a leap onto the chair where Eva was sitting (the other dog). Eva snarled but only out of fright, I yelled and now the two dogs are nicely ensconced together on the big armchair.

Only came in for a smoke so am going back to see Corrie St.

Re: Re: Re: Hallowe'en

Hi, back in for anaother smoke. Nothing much on, TV Awards. Youngest grandchild was round with her mum and dad. She was dressed as a witch with the full make-up on and a big pointed hat. Tess, again, was terrified of her and began shaking. My wee dog has been shaking since she was born. She's afraid of everything - umbrellas, leaves blowing, fishing nets, obviously loud noises, but she's a great wee barker. I'm sure people think she really fierce. The other one, Eva, is different - she WOULD tackle anyone who came in.

Wonder how Pat and the family are getting on in the castle tonight?. They'll be in full fancy dress now - would be like the real thing in a castle, wouldn't it? Hope no ghosts appear. I'm sure she'll tell us all when she returns.

Think I'll have another early night - I'm not the woman I was. Hubby can sit up until all hours and still get up early in the morning. I need the full 8 hours at least.

Night all.

Re: Hallowe'en

Is the smilie with the green face and pointy hat a self portriat?
I didn't know you were into art as well.

Re: Re: Hallowe'en

Hi Sylvia,

Halloween was actually introduced to North America by the Irish Immigrants.


Re: Hallowe'en

LR, the 7th and 8th are self-portraits!!!!!!!! Specially for you!!!!!!! (Hope the Pastor doesn't see this).