Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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When does it change?

Here in British Columbia Canada our clock's fall back on November 4th.Sally.

Re: When does it change?

Do your clocks change in Spring earlier than ours.?

Re: Re: When does it change?

I meant to say later than ours. See what I mean about harrasment? Lotto (Hurling G.A.A. Lotto) people collecting when I am on the computer, sicken ye? Tho we did win a big hamper last Christmas.

Re: Re: When does it change?

Hi Pat,our clocks did spring forward on March 11th 2007. Sally.

Re: When does it change?

Sally : I am a newcomer to Exiles Forum but going by your surname could I ask are you related to Tommy Cordner who also had a brother called Gerald and a sister whose name I cannot recall - they lived in the Canal Street area.

Re: When does it change?

Gerald Cordner a very quiet fellow still about, his sister was called Maureen.


Re: When does it change?

You DO/DID know just about everyone.
Which of the Cordners had a strawberry birthmark? He was a really nice fellow; another fine boxer, but more importantly, like Beano, he left one with the impression that he was a distinctly pleasant guy.

Re: When does it change?


Only know older people who lived in the town as Lisburn was'nt such a big place then and went to school with quite a number of the girls (older and younger. Would'nt know too many in the town now.

Hubby thinks the brother with the strawberry mark was called Ben. (correct him if he is wrong)

The boxer brother was Tommy now dead although Ben may have boxed too.

We see Gerald coming from church every Sunday with Freddie Printer, Gerald married a girl from Barnsley's Row called Olive, would have lived there when you lived off Linenhall Street, she is my age (young), she had a sister 3/4 years older than her.

By the way Dabbler the Orr I was talking about lived in the house with a high step at the door may have been the house where the McKernan's you knew lived. Another daughter of Dickie Orr's was married to Dawson Smiley.


Re: When does it change?

Hiya Katie
Thanks for the update. My memory of neighbours seems to have taken a dip from the age of about fifteen. Perhaps when wee Chrissie left, I lost interest. (haha)
Thanks, Gerald! Thomas Cordner – I never heard him called Tom or Tommy – was nicknamed Ben, after his dad, and was a very good boxer. I vaguely remember his brother, called Gerald. My brother, Robert, would perhaps have known him better.
I’m sure I would have seen young Olive and her sister around, as I must have seen you, but would have been scared to look too closely. (more nervous hahas)

Re: When does it change?

Hi all. Buttin' in here. Re the Cordners. I didn't even know that Thomas was dead. How long is he dead? He was a very smart fellow by all accounts and was related in some way to the McManus' of Leamington.

I know Gerald, and, as Katie says, he is a nice quiet person. His wife was called Olive Anderson and I remember she used to go ice skating. I didn't but I would have seen her with the boots over her shoulder. I would love to have gone.