Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Good morning to all,
What a beautiful morning, up at 6.30am & the "season of mists & mellow fruitfullness" was there in all it's glory. The sun cleared the mist around 7.30am & it has all the appearance of a glorious sunny warm day, to be in the 20's again. Anyone holidaying in Ireland now will see it at it's best, we do get nice weather in spurts so going to make the best of it today, think we r off to Kilkee for the w/end as high pressure is to last into next week too. Goodbye housework. Pat

Re: Autumn

Pat & Joe,
Enjoy your week-end, weather not great here this morning, but not raining.


Re: Re: Autumn

Hi all We have the "mellow mists and fruitfulness" all right, but no sun.

Must go out and get some tomatoes now while my big spider is hiding somewhere. Will have to bend low to get through a new web which it has woven.

Re: Autumn


Watch it does'nt get into your hair eeeeeeeeeeee


Re: Autumn

Hi all, I was able to get into the greenhouse, although I bent low. No sign of the spider, probably sleeping off 2 big wasps. My tomatoes are coming to an end, but they're lovely.

No more making Dower's Chutney this year (I make this every year with the green tomatoes that are left over) because I found a whole jar from last Christmas in the freezer outside.

It's a nuisance to make, an awful lot of ingredients required, although it gives a great aroma around the house and is delicious. AND, again, only myself eats it, other than visitors. BUT, this year I'll just have to throw my green tomatoes out, which I hate doing.

Re: Re: Autumn

Hi Ann,

Can I please have your recipe for (Dower's?) Chutney. Like you, I hate tossing green tomatoes away and there tends to be a few at the end of the season here in Tasmania. Sean

Re: Re: Re: Autumn

Hi Sean, no problem about the recipe for Dower's Chutney. Again, I must say it's absolutely gorgeous and the aroma round the house is so homely. I'll put it on the recipes page so I'll not bore everyone.