Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Luciano Pavarotti

By now everyone will have heard of the death of
Luciano PavarottiR.I.P. what a great singer he was, I loved him singing.

I was privileged to go and hear Luciano Pavorotti sing in St. Anne's Cathedral in Belfast. He was here to sing at Stormont and was rehearsing in the Cathedral, what an experience it was for me and the other people in the church, I can remember the hairs standing on my arm when he started to sing,I was seated 7 rows from him standing on the altar, afterwards he came outside and spoke to each and everyone there. A day I will always remember.


Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Thanks Katie,

We hadn't heard of Pavorotti's death R.I.P. No radio on as we r out since early morning, Joe clearing up the leaves & garden, me finishing off the painting the fence I started long ago, weather interrupted work. Lovely day here by the way 20 degrees. Lucky you to hear him live, we have albums of his singing, Joe puts them on in the porch most nights. I can only think of him & "one Cornetto" as he sings "O Sole Mio". Wonderful what advertising can do. Oh well, as they say the end of the world for someone every day, we should live each one as if it were our last. But who does? Pat

Re: Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Yes, it was sad to hear of Pavarotti's death. He certainly had a brilliant voice. I wasn't a fan particularly - I'm not being disrespectful but he was just too fat for my taste.

Another great talent gone.

Re: Re: Re: Luciano Pavarotti


What r u saying? A case of the pot calling the kettle black? Remember what our brother said when he saw us after a few years away "The 2 fat Ladies"

Pat..even rhymes with Fat.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Pat, that was you he meant - you were as big as "two fat ladies".

When I meet my Aussie, he will tell everyone on the Forum that I have a svelte-like figure.

Re: Luciano Pavarotti

If Luciano Pavarotti was too fat for your taste, is Andrea Buceli a little to blind for you too???

Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Hi Geraldine, you're getting a bit personal here. I did say I meant no disrespect to Pavarotti but I repeat, he was too fat for my taste.

I went to see the blind tenor in the Grand Opera House in Belfast and, whilst he wasn't as good maybe a tenor as Pavarotti, I did find him very attractive.

Yes, I suppose it's a fault I have, but there you are.

Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Now, now girls!
Sit yourselves down and listen to a Jussi Björling aria. Not as well known as Pavarotti, Caruso, or Gigli, but the voice of this Swedish singer was as beautiful as any of them.

Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Hi Dabbler,

Yes, Jussi Bjorling was a very good singer, Hav'nt heard him for years, must listen out for him on Classic FM, but until then I will listen to Pavarotti's CD's.


Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Hi all, this is my final word. I love jazz. (and all that jazz).

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Luciano Pavarotti


Another case of delusion.

Re: Re: Luciano Pavarotti

Grandad loved John mc Cormack & my grannie liked the popular music of the time. One day he played John's latest recording & said to Grannie, "Oh u would rather have "Ma look at Charlie" one of the popular songs of the music hall. It was always a family joke. So by u ,Jazz instead of Pavorotti. No accounting for taste. It takes all sorts.